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SignUp Now!> Keyboard repeat is dreadful in RC2. If, on a command line, I hold
> down, say,the most I can get out of it is about 16 cps (should
> be 30) and the extra ones pile up in the buffer and occur long after I
> release the key.
> |---Quote---
> |> Keyboard repeat is dreadful in RC2. If, on a command line, I hold
> |> down, say,the most I can get out of it is about 16 cps
> (should
> |> be 30) and the extra ones pile up in the buffer and occur long after
> I
> |> release the key.
> |---End Quote---
> |Not reproducible here. (Again, nothing has changed there in at least
> a
> |couple of years.)
> I can start v10 and v11 right next to each other; the difference is
> clear.
> In v10 I get 29 cps and achoing stops as soon as I release the key.
> In v11 I get about half that speed with the other half of the
> characters appearing after I release the key.
They're both exactly the same here.
Are you doing this from a TCMD tab window or a standalone TCC?
Anybody else able to reproduce this?
On Fri, 23 Oct 2009 21:25:14 -0500, rconn <> wrote:
|> I can start v10 and v11 right next to each other; the difference is
|> clear.
|> In v10 I get 29 cps and achoing stops as soon as I release the key.
|> In v11 I get about half that speed with the other half of the
|> characters appearing after I release the key.
|They're both exactly the same here.
|Are you doing this from a TCMD tab window or a standalone TCC?
|Anybody else able to reproduce this?
- Vince
> |In TCMD (TCC's OK).
> |--
> |- Vince
> |---End Quote---
> |
> |Did you try it without plugins?
> It's OK without my 4CONBUF plugin (which switches buffers on Shift-Fn).
> Is it
> that the key handler is slow or would any key handler cause a problem?
> ---Quote---
>> |---Quote---
>> |> Keyboard repeat is dreadful in RC2. If, on a command line, I hold
>> |> down, say,the most I can get out of it is about 16 cps
>> (should
>> |> be 30) and the extra ones pile up in the buffer and occur long
>> after
>> I
>> |> release the key.
>> |---End Quote---
>> |Not reproducible here. (Again, nothing has changed there in at
>> least
>> a
>> |couple of years.)
>> I can start v10 and v11 right next to each other; the difference is
>> clear.
>> In v10 I get 29 cps and achoing stops as soon as I release the key.
>> In v11 I get about half that speed with the other half of the
>> characters appearing after I release the key.
> ---End Quote---
> They're both exactly the same here.
> Are you doing this from a TCMD tab window or a standalone TCC?
> Anybody else able to reproduce this?
> This, inside the key handler, was the problem:
> if ( QueryIsTCMD() ) // help in the status area
> return 0;
> // else check for key to dismiss help dlg (console)
> Would QueryIsTCMD() cause an undesirable inreraction?
respond.> Quote:
> > This, inside the key handler, was the problem:
> >
> > if ( QueryIsTCMD() ) // help in the status area
> > return 0;
> > // else check for key to dismiss help dlg (console)
> >
> > Would QueryIsTCMD() cause an undesirable inreraction?
> It won't be harmful, but it'll definitely be slow. QueryIsTCMD creates a
> pipe, writes some data to it & waits for TCMD to read the data and
so> But TCMD only looks for the pipe every 30ms (for performance reasons),
> it's not a very good idea to try to beat on it every keystroke.
> Does TCC receive any notifications when a console is attached or
> detached from TCMD?