

The Edit menu allows you to copy text between the Take Command windows and the Windows clipboard. You can also access the clipboard in TCC with redirection to or from the CLIP: device, or with the @CLIP variable function.


TCC supports multiple clipboards. They are numbered from CLIP0: - CLIP9:. You can still use CLIP: - it is equivalent to CLIP0:. Clipboards 1 - 9 are only accessible to TCC internal commands and variable functions. External applications will only be able to access CLIP: / CLIP0:. For example:


dir *.btm > clip1:

dir *.exe > clip3:

view clip3:


When an app saves something to the default clipboard (CLIP: or CLIP0:), TCC will rotate the existing clipboard entries before saving the new CLIP0. CLIP0: will become CLIP1:, CLIP1: becomes CLIP2:, etc. The old CLIP9: will be lost. If you save something to CLIP1: - CLIP9:, none of the other clipboard entries will be modified.


See the TCC CLIP internal command for more details.


To use the Cut, Copy, or Delete commands, you must first select a block of text with the mouse, the keyboard, or with the Select All command, below.


If you have enabled Linux-style selection:


The block will be copied to the clipboard automatically when you release the left mouse button.

If you release the left mouse button with the shift key down, Take Command will append the selection to the clipboard.

If you double click with the shift key down, Take Command will append the selection to the clipboard.

If you triple click with the shift key down, Take Command will append the line to the clipboard.


For more information on copying text see Highlighting and Copying Text.



Copies selected text from the command line or scrollback buffer to the clipboard.



Copies text from the clipboard to the command line. If the text you insert contains a line feed or carriage return, the command line will be executed just as if you had pressed Enter. If you insert multiple lines, each line will be treated like a command typed at the prompt. Paste will check to see if the Ctrl + Shift keys are down, and if so it will insert a " & " between lines of a multiline paste. Alternately, you can set AppendCommandLines=YES in your TCMD.INI and a Ctrl+paste will insert " & " instead of the default " ".


Copy + Paste

Copies the selected text from the scrollback buffer directly to the command line. Copy+Paste will check to see if the Ctrl + Shift keys are down, and if so it will insert a " & " between lines of a multiline paste. Alternately, you can set AppendCommandLines=YES in your TCMD.INI and a Ctrl+Copy+Paste will insert " & " instead of the default " ".


Copy + Paste + Run

Copies the selected text from the scrollback buffer directly to the command line and executes the resulting command line.



Append the current selection to the existing clipboard contents.


Paste + Run

Copies text from the clipboard to the command line and executes the resulting command line.




Sends an Enter to the current tab window to execute the command line.


Select All

Marks the entire contents of the scrollback buffer as selected text.



Undo the last action in the Command Input window.



Redo the last action in the Command Input window.


Goto URL

If you have highlighted an HTTP / HTTPS / FTP / FTPS name, the Edit menu will enable a "Goto URL" option that will open a browser window and take you to that URL..


Insert Filename

Displays the Windows file selection dialog and puts the selected filename at the current position on the command line.


Insert Folder

Displays the Windows folder selection dialog and puts the selected directory name at the current position on the command line.


Console Mouse

Send mouse moves and clicks to the console window. This option is specific to each tab, and is rarely necessary because few console apps use the mouse. You can also toggle this option with Ctrl-M in the tab window.



Search the scrollback buffer of the current tab window using regular expressions.



Search and replace text in the Command Input window.


Find Files

Search for files or text within files.