Purpose:Search for files and/or directories


Format:EVERYTHING [/= /B /C /D /E /F /H /I /M=n /O /P /R /S /V /W @file] filename [...]


filenameThe file or directory name to search for
@fileA text file containing the names of the files to search for, one per line (see @file lists for details)


/B (rebuild)

/M=n (maximum files)

/C(ase sensitive)

/O(ptions dialog)

/D(irectories only)

/P(ath names)

/E(verything dialog)

/R(egular expression)

/F(iles only)


/H (delete history)


/I (update indexes)

/W (match whole word)


File Selection:


Supports command dialog, extended wildcards, and multiple file names. Date, time, size or exclude ranges anywhere on the line apply to all source files. Use wildcards with caution on LFN volumes; see LFN File Searches for details.




Search for files and/or directories on local NTFS drives using "Everything Search" (https://www.voidtools.com). EVERYTHING by default does a wildcard search equivalent to "*filename*", and outputs the full pathname of all matching files and/or directories.


You need to install Everything Search and index your local NTFS drives before using EVERYTHING.




To locate all .DOCX files on all of your previously indexed drives:

everything /f *.docx

To locate all .DOCX files on drive C: (assuming it has been previously indexed):

everything /f c:*.docx

Use a more complete path to restrict the search even further — for example:

everything /f c:\MyFiles\*.docx




/=Display the EVERYTHING command dialog to help you set the command line options. The /= option can be anywhere on the line; additional options will set the appropriate fields in the command dialog.


/BRebuild the Everything Search database


/CFilename matching is case sensitive


/DOnly search for directories


/EDisplay the Everything Search dialog. You can combine /E with the other EVERYTHING options (except /D and /F).


/FOnly search for files


/HDelete the Everything Search run history


/IRescan all of the folder indexes


/M=nOnly return a maximum of n files / directories


/ODisplay the Everything options dialog


/PMatch path names


/Rfilename is a regular expression (EVERYTHING will automatically set the regular expression flag if the filename begins with ::)


/SSort results by path, then by file name. (This can take several seconds with a large number of search results.)


/VDisplay the Everything Search version (major.minor.build)


/WMatch whole word