The slider on the vertical scrollbar may be dragged to quickly change the position of the file. V will continually try to redisplay the file as the scrollbar is being dragged.


If you find the screen refresh during scrolling annoying, you may try to make it "smoother" by enabling "Smooth Scrolling" in the File Options section of Preferences.


To do this, you must specify a Smooth Delay which will be used to "slow down" the speed of the scrolling. Typically, a delay of between 50 and 200 will be used. If no delay is entered, V will use a delay of 180.


The delay specified will depend on the speed of your system. If you find the scrolling too slow, enter a smaller delay. If the screen "flashes" too quickly during scrolling, enter a larger delay.




The V smooth scrolling is different from, and independent of the "smooth scrolling" which is available in programs like Internet Explorer.