The File View may be scrolled in the standard ways - via the keyboard or the scroll bars.


Using the keys


PageUp and PageDown

Scroll the view one screen-full at a time in the specified direction.


UpArrow and DownArrow

Scroll the view vertically one line at a time.


LeftArrow and RightArrow

Scroll the view horizontally, one column at a time.


Ctrl-LeftArrow and Ctrl-RightArrow

Scroll the view horizontally by the width of the view.


Ctrl-Home and Control-End

Ctrl-End scrolls the window so the end of the current line is visible. Ctrl-Home scrolls the window to its leftmost position.



The Home key goes to the start of the file and the End key goes to the end of the file.


If the Use Space as PgDown option is enabled, the SPACE key will behave like PageDown and Shift-SPACE will behave like PageUp.


Using the scroll bars

If you click on the arrows on either side of the scroll bars (vertical or horizontal), the view is scrolled by one line (or column) in the appropriate direction. Clicking on the area below the vertical scroll box (or slider) is equivalent to pressing PageDown and clicking on the area above the scroll box is the same as pressing PageUp. Similarly, clicking to the right of the horizontal scroll box will scroll the view to the right by the width of the view and clicking to the left will scroll the view to the left.


Dragging the vertical slider allows you to quickly move the file position. You may enable smooth scrolling in order to improve the file display while dragging.


Current Line Marker


Pressing the Up/Down arrow keys will move the current line marker (instead of scrolling the window). The window is only scrolled when the line marker reaches the bottom (or top) of the window. If you would like the window  to always scroll on an arrow key, enable Always scroll window when using arrow keys in the File Options tab of Preferences.


If the window is scrolled using the scroll bars (with the mouse), V will automatically move the current line marker accordingly. If you prefer the current line marker to stay where it is, enable Do not move current line marker when using scroll bars.



Continuous scrolling

The view may also be scrolled continuously in the vertical direction. This is basically equivalent to continually pressing the UpArrow or DownArrow key.


To commence continuous scrolling, simply press Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow or Ctlrl+Shift+UpArrow depending on the direction in which you want to scroll. The view will then start to scroll automatically. The speed of the scrolling may be increased by pressing the + (PLUS) key and decreased by pressing the - (MINUS) key.


Continuous scrolling may be stopped by pressing the ESC key and paused by pressing SPACE. Once paused, the scrolling may be re-started by pressing SPACE again, or terminated by pressing ESC.The scrolling will stop when the top (or bottom) of the file is reached.


IntelliMouse Support

V makes full use of the Microsoft IntelliMouse. Click here for details.


Customizing the keys


All of the cursor keys can be customized by selecting Customize Keyboard from the Tools menu. For example, you can change the behavior of the Home/End keys so they go to the start/end of the line instead of the start/end of the file. The commands corresponding to the cursor keys (such as Line Up/Line Down) can be found in the Other submenu of the FILE commands.