Windows Scripting Languages Support in TCC
A batch file (or "script") is a file that contains a list of commands to execute. TCC reads and interprets each line as if it had been typed at the keyboard. Like aliases, batch files are handy for automating computing tasks. Unlike aliases, batch files can be as long as you wish. Batch files take up separate disk space for each file, and can't usually execute quite as quickly as aliases, since they must be read from the disk.
Take Command includes a built-in full-featured batch file editor and debugger invoked with the BDEBUGGER command for .CMD and .BAT files. The debugger gives you a detailed, step-by-step view of batch file execution, and will help solve particularly difficult batch file problems.
TCC also allows you to expand your scripts with internal support for PowerShell, Lua, Perl, REXX, Python, Tcl/tk, and any Active Scripting language. TCC supports both executing scripts in those languages and executing individual expressions. You can even combine multiple languages in your batch scripts, and pass the results of these other scripting language calls back to TCC variables and commands.
TCC has an external processor option (aka EXTPROC / SHEBANG) for batch files that lets you define an external program to process a particular .CMD file. To identify a .CMD file to be used with an external processor, place the string EXTPROC as the first word on the first line of the file, followed by the name of the external program that should be called. TCC will start the program and pass it the name of the .CMD file and any command line parameters that were entered.