- Aug
- 2,263
- 108
I am trying to debug this .CMD file, available from https://ss64.com/nt/bigtext.cmd.txt
When I do;
I can step through and debug bigtext.cmd
When I try to debug using;
...CMDebug v21.01.53 x64, it stops at
There is no TCC.EXE in the CMDebug 21 directory;
When I do;
bdebugger bigtext.cmd Saturday
TCC 21.01.53 x64 Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
TCC Build 53 Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
When I try to debug using;
cmdebug bigtext.cmd Saturday
TCC: (Sys) X:\utils\bigtext.cmd [26] The system cannot find the file specified.
"C:\Program Files\JPSoft\CMDebug21\TCC.EXE"
There is no TCC.EXE in the CMDebug 21 directory;
[C:\Program Files\JPSoft\CMDebug21]dir
Volume in drive C is WINDOWS Serial number is d4a0:ca4b
Directory of C:\Program Files\JPSoft\CMDebug21\*
10/05/2017 15:13 <DIR> .
10/05/2017 15:13 <DIR> ..
10/05/2017 15:13 <DIR> Styles
9/25/2017 9:28 147,560 ANSI32.dll
9/25/2017 9:28 173,672 ANSI64.dll
12/07/2016 18:13 41,576 BorlndMM.dll
8/26/2017 10:24 2,458,915 CMDebug.chm
8/29/2017 7:52 261,052 cmdebug.chw
9/11/2017 15:58 2 CMDebug.exception.log
9/24/2017 12:28 7,009,384 CMDebug.exe
9/25/2017 9:21 2,045,032 English.dll
9/24/2017 12:27 956,520 EnglishD.dll
6/12/2017 21:58 2,197,608 Everything.exe
7/29/2017 15:23 215 Everything.ini
6/12/2017 21:56 558,140 Everything.lng
2/28/2017 10:51 92,264 Everything64.dll
12/07/2016 18:14 2,619 everything_license.txt
9/25/2017 9:29 2,099,816 French.dll
9/24/2017 12:27 973,928 FrenchD.dll
9/25/2017 9:29 2,090,600 German.dll
9/24/2017 12:27 983,144 GermanD.dll
8/24/2017 21:52 3,159,248 ipworks16.dll
8/24/2017 23:58 1,573,072 ipworksssh16.dll
3/30/2017 16:29 1,214,312 IsLicense50.dll
9/25/2017 9:29 2,084,968 Italian.dll
9/24/2017 12:27 975,976 ItalianD.dll
4/05/2017 9:02 8,589 license.txt
9/25/2017 9:21 508,008 Lua53.dll
8/25/2017 18:26 53,760 NSILP_PowerShell.x64.dll
8/23/2017 20:48 6,697 readme.txt
10/05/2017 15:13 1,430 regid.2002-09.com.jpsoft_CMDebug 21.swidtag
9/25/2017 9:29 2,159,208 Russian.dll
9/24/2017 12:27 966,248 RussianD.dll
8/23/2017 17:19 1,621,096 SciLexer.dll
9/25/2017 9:29 2,096,232 Spanish.dll
9/24/2017 12:27 973,928 SpanishD.dll
12/07/2016 18:15 460,904 stdvcl40.dll
9/24/2017 12:21 5,888,104 takecmd.dll
9/21/2017 22:54 1,644 takecmd.tlb
1/20/2016 12:34 9,146,496 textpipeengine.dll
7/28/2017 17:51 1,952 textpipeengine.dll.manifest
9/25/2017 9:31 156,264 TPipe.exe
9/27/2017 21:04 1,280,616 updater.exe
10/05/2017 15:13 391 updater.ini
56,431,190 bytes in 41 files and 3 dirs 56,537,088 bytes allocated