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Simple RegEx copy

I'm in a directory.

I'm trying this:
copy ::test(.*) ::\\workflows\\filetrain\\00306-claro-smms-iasb\\test2016\1

I get this:
F:\workflows\test-filetrain\00306-Claro-SMMS-IASB\test-txtri2-au-nl-3.png => F:\workflows\test-filetrain\00306-Claro-SMMS-IASB\\workflows\filetrain\00306-claro-smms-iasb\test2016-txtri2-au-nl-3.png
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the path specified.

Why doesn't it even have a spaceband between the source and the target here?

All I want to do is to copy files, add some characters at the front of the filename, keeping the rest of the filename.

Something similar works here. Rex, if your reading, it seems a little odd that COPY puts "\\" in the destination path.
v:\> copy ::bigc(.*) ::\\test1\\foo-bigc\1
V:\bigc.175pipe => V:\\test1\foo-bigc.175pipe
V:\bigc.output => V:\\test1\foo-bigc.output
V:\bigc.sort175 => V:\\test1\foo-bigc.sort175
V:\bigc.sortexe => V:\\test1\foo-bigc.sortexe
V:\bigc.tmp2 => V:\\test1\foo-bigc.tmp2
V:\bigc.txt => V:\\test1\foo-bigc.txt
  6 files copied
My commands look the same, but, they're not working. I'm using the double backslashes, because the target is a regex, too. It's telling me "The system cannot find the path specified."

copy ::test-(.*) ::\\workflows\\filetrain\\00306-claro-smms-iasb\\test2016\1

These are the two files in this directory:

I get this:
F:\workflows\test-filetrain\00306-Claro-SMMS-IASB\test-txtri2-au-nl-3.png => F:\workflows\test-filetrain\00306-Claro-SMMS-IASB\\workflows\filetrain\00306-claro-smms-iasb\test2016txtri2-au-nl-3.png
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the path specified.
F:\workflows\test-filetrain\00306-Claro-SMMS-IASB\test-txtri2-au-nl-4.png => F:\workflows\test-filetrain\00306-Claro-SMMS-IASB\\workflows\filetrain\00306-claro-smms-iasb\test2016txtri2-au-nl-4.png
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the path specified.
0 files copied 2 failed
I get quite different results if I include a drive letter in the destination. This looks like a bug. But I didn't see regular expressions mentioned in the help for COPY. Maybe we're expecting too much.
v:\> copy ::bigc(.*) ::v:\\test1\\foo-bigc\1
V:\bigc.175pipe => v:\test1\foo-bigc.175pipe
V:\bigc.output => v:\test1\foo-bigc.output
V:\bigc.sort175 => v:\test1\foo-bigc.sort175
V:\bigc.sortexe => v:\test1\foo-bigc.sortexe
V:\bigc.tmp2 => v:\test1\foo-bigc.tmp2
V:\bigc.txt => v:\test1\foo-bigc.txt
V:\test1foo-bigc.175pipe => test1foo-v:\test1\foo-bigc.175pipe
TCC: (Sys) The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
V:\test1foo-bigc.output => test1foo-v:\test1\foo-bigc.output
TCC: (Sys) The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
V:\test1foo-bigc.sort175 => test1foo-v:\test1\foo-bigc.sort175
TCC: (Sys) The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
V:\test1foo-bigc.sortexe => test1foo-v:\test1\foo-bigc.sortexe
TCC: (Sys) The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
V:\test1foo-bigc.tmp2 => test1foo-v:\test1\foo-bigc.tmp2
TCC: (Sys) The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
V:\test1foo-bigc.txt => test1foo-v:\test1\foo-bigc.txt
TCC: (Sys) The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
  6 files copied  6 failed
The leading "\\" is telling TCC that you're referencing a UNC, not a drive path. (The UNC checking is occurring *before* the back reference check.)
... even though it's in an RE (prefixed by "::")? If COPY with RES in both source and destination, and back-ref substitution in the deswtination is realll supposed to work, that's nice, and it might be mentioned in the help (if it's there, I missed it).
I'm trying this:
copy ::test(.*) ::\\workflows\\filetrain\\00306-claro-smms-iasb\\test2016\1

I get this:
F:\workflows\test-filetrain\00306-Claro-SMMS-IASB\test-txtri2-au-nl-3.png => F:\workflows\test-filetrain\00306-Claro-SMMS-IASB\\workflows\filetrain\00306-claro-smms-iasb\test2016-txtri2-au-nl-3.png
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the path specified.

The correct syntax would be something like:

copy ::test(.*) \workflows\filetrain\00306-claro-smms-iasb\::test2016\1

You only want the regex to be the filename, not the entire path.