Take Command 21.0
We released Take Command 21.0, and you can download a fully functional evaluation version from our web site. See What’s New in Version 21.0 in the help for details on the changes and new features. You can download v21 at:
Take Command 21.0 – So, What’s New?
Take Command 21.0 is a big update – there are more new features in 21.0 than in any two prior releases combined! In addition to the UI improvements and enhanced command line editing, there are 18 new commands, 71 updated commands, and 11 new variables and functions. In this article, we’ll briefly mention a half dozen major new features. Future articles will cover the new features in more detail.
- Command dialogs are useful when you don’t remember some of the more obscure options in a command, or if you’re unsure about the correct argument order. In previous versions, you couldn’t pass default arguments to command dialogs, or use them in aliases. In v21, you can enter as many command arguments as you want (or can remember), add a /= anywhere in the command, and TCC will prepopulate the command dialog. You can then select the remaining options in the dialog and execute the command.
- TCC has two new internal commands (JOBS and JOBMONITOR) for creating and monitoring Windows jobs.
- REGDIR is a new internal command that displays Windows Registry keys and values like DIR does for directories and files.
- PIPEVIEW is a new internal command to view realtime activity in Windows pipes.
- PSHELL is a new internal command for executing PowerShell scripts or strings.
- Take Command, TCC, and the batch IDE are all significantly smaller, and start and run faster than v20.
TCC (aka 4NT) Returns
We have been providing a standalone TCC version (including the batch debugger IDE, but without the Take Command tabbed console interface and Explorer integration) for some corporate customers. We’re now making this available to anyone who prefers the standard Windows console UI, or who needs something more than TCC-RT but less than the full Take Command. (TCC licenses cost about 30% less than Take Command.)
You can download TCC at:
TCC-RT Update
We have also released a new version of our free TCC runtime, which includes most of the non-interactive commands and features in TCC. (See the TCC-RT readme.txt for a list of commands and features which are not supported in TCC-RT.)