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Bias in PDIR


I recently noticed a bias between the output of
1) PDIR /(zKc sp) and
2) The file sizes reported by Windows.

E.g. PDIR /(zKc sp) readme.txt returns "0 E:\temp\down\readme.txt", while Windows - correctly reports - "1 kb" (Explorer).
Annotation: DIR readme.txt - also correctly - delivers "28.06.2008 19:04 984 readme.txt"

nickles wrote:
| Hi,
| I recently noticed a bias between the output of
| 1) PDIR /(zKc sp) and
| 2) The file sizes reported by Windows.
| E.g. PDIR /(zKc sp) readme.txt returns "0 E:\temp\down\readme.txt",
| while Windows - correctly reports - "1 kb" (Explorer). Annotation:
| DIR readme.txt - also correctly - delivers "28.06.2008 19:04 984
| readme.txt"

Verified in TCC 9.02.151 - PDIR always truncates, instead of rounding the
fractional part of the reporting unit.

pdir/(zc zk zK fn) reports for a given (test) directory:

997 0 0 997.txt
998 0 0 998.txt
999 0 0 999.txt
1,000 1 0 1000.txt
1,001 1 0 1001.txt
1,002 1 0 1002.txt
1,003 1 0 1003.txt
1,004 1 0 1004.txt
1,022 1 0 1022.txt
1,023 1 0 1023.txt
1,024 1 1 1024.txt
1,025 1 1 1025.txt
1,026 1 1 1026.txt
1,027 1 1 1027.txt
1,028 1 1 1028.txt

Steve Fábián wrote:

> nickles wrote:
> | Hi,
> |
> | I recently noticed a bias between the output of
> | 1) PDIR /(zKc sp) and
> | 2) The file sizes reported by Windows.
> |
> | E.g. PDIR /(zKc sp) readme.txt returns "0 E:\temp\down\readme.txt",
> | while Windows - correctly reports - "1 kb" (Explorer). Annotation:
> | DIR readme.txt - also correctly - delivers "28.06.2008 19:04 984
> | readme.txt"
> Verified in TCC 9.02.151 - PDIR always truncates, instead of rounding the
> fractional part of the reporting unit.

WAD -- see the documentation for PDIR.

Rex Conn
JP Software
Ok, read over this...

But, what's the sense behind this design?
Why would one like to have a different result than Windows in that respect?

Please enlighten me :o!

Any other switch available (no script)?

rconn wrote:
| Steve Fábián wrote:
| ---Quote---
|| nickles wrote:
||| Hi,
||| I recently noticed a bias between the output of
||| 1) PDIR /(zKc sp) and
||| 2) The file sizes reported by Windows.
||| E.g. PDIR /(zKc sp) readme.txt returns "0 E:\temp\down\readme.txt",
||| while Windows - correctly reports - "1 kb" (Explorer). Annotation:
||| DIR readme.txt - also correctly - delivers "28.06.2008 19:04 984
||| readme.txt"
|| Verified in TCC 9.02.151 - PDIR always truncates, instead of
|| rounding the fractional part of the reporting unit.
| ---End Quote---
| WAD -- see the documentation for PDIR.

As usual, you are correct. However, here is the strange report of the
pdir/(zc 4@filesize[*] zk @filesize[*,k] zK @filesize[*,K] fn)/os

0 0 0 0 0 0 0000.txt
1 1 0 1 0 1 0001.txt
2 2 0 1 0 1 0002.txt
997 997 0 1 0 1 0997.txt
998 998 0 1 0 1 0998.txt
999 999 0 1 0 1 0999.txt
1,000 1000 1 1 0 1 1000.txt
1,001 1001 1 2 0 1 1001.txt
1,002 1002 1 2 0 1 1002.txt
1,003 1003 1 2 0 1 1003.txt
1,004 1004 1 2 0 1 1004.txt
1,022 1022 1 2 0 1 1022.txt
1,023 1023 1 2 0 1 1023.txt
1,024 1024 1 2 1 1 1024.txt
1,025 1025 1 2 1 2 1025.txt
1,026 1026 1 2 1 2 1026.txt
1,027 1027 1 2 1 2 1027.txt
1,028 1028 1 2 1 2 1028.txt

Notice the zS (where S is a magnitude prefix) truncates (equivalent to using
the FLOOR function), while %@filesize[*,S] rounds up even 1 byte (as the
CEILING functon does). In many situations one would like to have something
closer to the rounding done by @EVAL.
nickles wrote:
| Ok, read over this...
| But, what's the sense behind this design?
| Why would one like to have a different result than Windows in that
| respect?
| Please enlighten me :o!
| Any other switch available (no script)?

Dear nickles:

Since you did not quote anything, I am not certain what you are complain
about, but I think you are referring to the differences between Windows
Explorer's file size reporting vs. TCC reporting. TCC will always report the
exact size, no matter how large the file, if you do not specify that you
want only an approximate size (by specifying a reporting size larger than
bytes). If you know the allocation unit of another device, only the exact
size allows you to determine in advance whether or not that device has space
to receive a copy of the file.

TCC is designed for operations that "pure vanilla" Windows (i.e., without
additional programs not included by MS) does not support. That's why it has
so many features, and why in many instances it differs from MS reports.