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Hotkey-mechanism, for doing something with the current command-line

Is there a way within TC to connect a hotkey to a self-written program, which could able to analyze the currently-written command-line (as input) and simulate some key-strokes (as output)?

Like e.g. the TAB-key-functionality, which checks the current argument of the currently-written command-line and tries to find an existing file/dirname which has the current-arg as a prefix and (kind of) simulates the key-strokes, so that this file/dirname is expanded. Or it's behaviour, if TAB is entered again (=> switching to the next matching file/dirname).

Or the arrow-up/down keys, which check the history.

Specifically (as a first shot) I would like to have a hotkey which would duplicate the former argument of the current command-line. Or have a way to let TC popup a messagebox, which would show me the syntax of the exe-file I am about to call in the current-line.

[This is a more general question, than the one I recently asked in the BDJ-conversation, but somehow could not make me enough understandable. Perhaps more luck this time...]
Possibly this might be of use to you: http://prospero.unm.edu/plugins/ekeys.html

It's a generic plugin for defining hotkeys which grab the word at the cursor and "do stuff" to it. "Do stuff" generally means running the word through a function; I suppose the function could be @EXEC or @EXECSTR though I haven't messed with that idea much.
Thanks Charles, for your answer and your plugin.

Specifically (as a first shot) I would like to have a hotkey which would duplicate the former argument of the current command-line.
I already embedded EKeys into my TC.

Specifically (as a first shot) I would like to have a hotkey which would duplicate the former argument of the current command-line.
Doing this was quite easy
ekey alt-d=# #

Doing stuff, that needs information about the other args in the current command-line or accessing to the history is not possible with Ekeys.
Perhaps it would be useful, to have a mechanism in Ekeys, which would allow to call an external command (exe-file), which is provided (as input) with the current command-line args and delivers (as output, i.e. as replacement-string) the replacement-arg (or even the replacement-command-line).

I'm curious about the final version and the source-code, you said you might provide too. Thanks again!
Perhaps it would be useful, to have a mechanism in Ekeys, which would allow to call an external command (exe-file), which is provided (as input) with the current command-line args and delivers (as output, i.e. as replacement-string) the replacement-arg (or even the replacement-command-line).

I think that's doable, but will require quite a bit of work. When I have some free time -- meaning probably not for a few weeks.

Can you give an example or two of how it might work and what you would use it for?
Can you give an example or two of how it might work and what you would use it for?

As said above, at first I might use it o display the syntax of the exe/bat-file which I am about to execute (by analyzing the very first parameter). The output could be done in a message-box or the status-line of the TCC-window.

As a follow-up idea, I would perhaps again analyze the very first argument, the exe/bat-file to be executed and would extend the current partially entered-argument dependent to what it is, e.g. if it is an option with each hotkey-entering all the available options with the just entered prefix-could be replaced, similar as that what the tab-key does with filenames.