I apologize in advance if this is a stupid question because it probably is. But this used to work (and still works in the following standalone piece of code), and I can't figure out what I could have done (wrong!) to get these symptoms. So here's the code that works:
And here's what happens when I execute this code:
Exactly as one would expect!
So here's the code (that doesn't work) in the "real" .btm file:
Exactly the same as the previous except for the "On Break Goto".
And here's the results of running that code:
As you can rather quickly see, of course, the input argument contains the opening quote and is truncated at the first blank which, of course, "leaves" out the closing double quote, which causes the code not to work further down (either the first character of %DM is a double quote and not a colon or even a "hard" error depending on exactly what I am trying to do) in code that is making a a comparison to "%CM") in the "real' DM subroutine.
And if you are wondering about the use of the "Iff/EndIff" rather than just a plain old "If", that's because of another peculiarity that could very well be related: If I use an "If" the second .btm file ("ExcludeLines ") always echos "It's a colon!!!", whereas the "Iff' prevents that behavior (why???) and it is in both .btm files so that there can be no doubt as to whether or not that has anything to do with why the first works and the second does not.
Now I'm not including "ExcludeLines.btm" at the moment because it is quite long (713 lines as of this moment) and I'm about 95% sure somebody can tell me what line of code is in there (now?) that that is causing this to happen. (It used to work fine.)
As always, thank you in advance.
- Dan
@Echo Off
On Error
Gosub DM 26 ":Original Line Count: %LC"
Quit 0
@Echo ************* DMTCAOSTDERR: %DMTCAOSTDERR *************
@Echo ******************** Line0: %Line0 ********************
Set CM=%@UnQuoteS[%Line0]
@Echo %%CM: %CM
@Echo %%@Left[1,%%CM]: $%@Left[1,%CM]$
Iff "%@Left[1,%CM]" == ":" Then
@Echo It's a colon!!!
************* 26 *************
**************** ":Original Line Count: " *****************
%Line0: ":Original Line Count: "
%CM: :Original Line Count:
%@Left[1,%CM]: $:$
It's a colon!!!
So here's the code (that doesn't work) in the "real" .btm file:
@Echo Off
On Break Goto NormalExit
@Echo Gosub DM 26 ":Original Line Count: %LC"
Gosub DM 26 ":Original Line Count: %LC"
Quit 0
@Echo ************* DMTCAOSTDERR: %DMTCAOSTDERR *************
@Echo ******************** Line0: %Line0 ********************
Set CM=%@UnQuoteS[%Line0]
@Echo %%CM: %CM
@Echo %%@Left[1,%%CM]: $%@Left[1,%CM]$
Iff "%@Left[1,%CM]" == ":" Then
@Echo It's a colon!!!
And here's the results of running that code:
Gosub DM 26 ":Original Line Count: 1"
************* DMTCAOSTDERR: 26 *************
******************** Line0: ":Original ********************
%CM: ":Original
%@Left[1,%CM]: $"$
And if you are wondering about the use of the "Iff/EndIff" rather than just a plain old "If", that's because of another peculiarity that could very well be related: If I use an "If" the second .btm file ("ExcludeLines ") always echos "It's a colon!!!", whereas the "Iff' prevents that behavior (why???) and it is in both .btm files so that there can be no doubt as to whether or not that has anything to do with why the first works and the second does not.
Now I'm not including "ExcludeLines.btm" at the moment because it is quite long (713 lines as of this moment) and I'm about 95% sure somebody can tell me what line of code is in there (now?) that that is causing this to happen. (It used to work fine.)
As always, thank you in advance.
- Dan