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INIKEY versions on website

Is the inikey version of older versions available? The website seems to
contain only the registry-key versions. Please make the inikey versions
available, too!
On 2009-02-17 21:46, Steve Fábián wrote:

> Is the inikey version of older versions available? The website seems to
> contain only the registry-key versions. Please make the inikey versions
> available, too!

These separate versions aren't needed anymore, it seems. From the Help
file under the "registration key" topic:

"When you enter your registration information, Take Command will save it
in both the Windows Registry and in a key file (TakeCommand.key, or
TakeCommandLE.key for Take Command/LE) in the Take Command directory. At
startup, Take Command will look for its registration information first
in the Registry and then in the TakeCommand.key file. This allows you to
put Take Command on a USB drive, and move it among different computers.
(Note that if you are running Windows Vista or later, Take Command will
not be able to create the TakeCommand.key file in the root (C:\), any of
the "\Program Files" subdirectories, or the Windows subdirectories.)"
These separate versions aren't needed anymore, it seems. From the Help
file under the "registration key" topic:

He did write "for older versions."

Rex has said that he intends to do at least one more bugfix build for v9. I would guess that he'll also make/upload INIKEY versions at the same time.
rconn wrote:
| Steve Fábián wrote:
| ---Quote---
|| Is the inikey version of older versions available? The website seems
|| to contain only the registry-key versions. Please make the inikey
|| versions available, too!
| ---End Quote---
| The website only contains the new versions. The FTP site has the old
| (including inikey) versions.

Of course I meant the ftp: site, not the http: site (AFAIK both are on the
web). However, today I have problems connecting to the ftp: site - I get
many "timeout" messages. Any known reason?
Steve Fábián wrote:

> rconn wrote:
> | Steve Fábián wrote:
> |
> |
> | ---Quote---
> || Is the inikey version of older versions available? The website seems
> || to contain only the registry-key versions. Please make the inikey
> || versions available, too!
> | ---End Quote---
> | The website only contains the new versions. The FTP site has the old
> | (including inikey) versions.
> Of course I meant the ftp: site, not the http: site (AFAIK both are on the
> web). However, today I have problems connecting to the ftp: site - I get
> many "timeout" messages. Any known reason?

I just connected to the ftp site & downloaded a couple of files with no

Rex Conn
JP Software
[FOX] Ultimate Translator