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:: cd shell folder.
set zdir=
set zshf=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
if /i "%1"=="/m" goto :hklm
if /i "%1"=="/u" goto :hkcu
if /i "%1"=="/w" goto :hkwe
set zcmd=chdir
set zhere=%*
if "%1"=="/o" set zcmd=open
if "%1"=="/o" set zhere=%zhere:~3%
conset /q /k zdir=HKLM\%zshf%\%zhere%
if not "%zdir%"=="" goto :doit
conset /q /k zdir=HKCU\%zshf%\%zhere%
if not "%zdir%"=="" goto :doit
conset /q /k zdir=HKLM\Software\Wendy\Folders\%zhere%
if not "%zdir%"=="" goto :doit
goto :end
shelexec reg:hklm\%zshf%
goto :end
shelexec reg:hkcu\%zshf%
goto :end
shelexec reg:hklm\software\wendy\folders
goto :end
set zcxm=
if %zcmd%==chdir cd /d %zdir%
if %zcmd%==open shelexec %zdir%
set zdir=