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Different versions?

I had this version:
TCC 9,02.151 Windows XP [Version 5,1,2600]
TCC Build 151 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3

Yesterday I run an update to .152, all has seem to be OK. In the System Control/Software section TCMD is now reported as version 9.02.152 as expected. But the ver /r responds the same as before: version 151. What's true, what's wrong?
Differebt versions?

JP Software Forums" <[email protected]>; "wbiebel wrote:
| I had this version:
| TCC 9,02.151 Windows XP [Version 5,1,2600]
| TCC Build 151 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3
| Yesterday I run an update to .152, all has seem to be OK. In the
| System Control/Software section TCMD is now reported as version
| 9.02.152 as expected. But the ver /r responds the same as before:
| version 151. What's true, what's wrong?

At the time you executed VER/R the instance of TCC was not yet updated. If
an instance of TCC is open in a TCMD tab when you update, that instance must
be closed before updating is completed. It is possible the updating is
postposned until you restart Windows. If the problem remains after you
restart Windows, report it again.
HTH, Steve