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Is jpsoft.com having ISP problems?

The forums have been very slow for a couple of days. I just did a TRACERT and wound up taking a grand tour of Asia.

  8 ms
  8 ms  gig1-2-2.prisny05-rtr001.cny.northeast.rr.com []
 11 ms  rdc-24-58-149-176.cny.east.twcable.com []
 29 ms  be4.rochny-rtr000.cny.northeast.rr.com []
 32 ms  be35.cr0.chi10.tbone.rr.com []
 30 ms  ae1.pr1.chi10.tbone.rr.com []
 29 ms  ix-27-0.tcore2.CT8-Chicago.as6453.net []
  *  Request timed out.
263 ms  if-9-2.tcore1.TV2-Tokyo.as6453.net []
  *  Request timed out.
291 ms  if-6-2.tcore1.SVW-Singapore.as6453.net []
295 ms
  *  Request timed out.
315 ms []
324 ms []
319 ms  63-218-211-185.static.pccwglobal.net []
297 ms  anc.ge13-34.br01.hkg04.pccwbtn.net []
291 ms  xe-0-0-0.0.gw2.hkg9.asianetcom.net []
  *  CDF-0002.gw1.hkg4.asianetcom.net []
635 ms
Good weekend Vince,

What was the full TRACERT command you did please? I want to see what it does for me....
I haven't tried any fancy diagnostics, but I've been seeing error pages from Cloudfare. (Cloudfares poorly?)
Good weekend Vince,

What was the full TRACERT command you did please? I want to see what it does for me....
It's better now.
But below is what I did earlier ... Asia right up to JPSoft's doorstep ... thought for a second maybe Rex moved all the jobs off-shore! :smile:
v:\> tracert jpsoft.com

Tracing route to jpsoft.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1  8 ms  11 ms  8 ms
  2  9 ms  9 ms  8 ms  gig1-2-2.prisny05-rtr001.cny.northeast.rr.com []
  3  19 ms  14 ms  11 ms  rdc-24-58-149-176.cny.east.twcable.com []
  4  30 ms  33 ms  29 ms  be4.rochny-rtr000.cny.northeast.rr.com []
  5  30 ms  31 ms  32 ms  be35.cr0.chi10.tbone.rr.com []
  6  28 ms  29 ms  30 ms  ae1.pr1.chi10.tbone.rr.com []
  7  28 ms  29 ms  29 ms  ix-27-0.tcore2.CT8-Chicago.as6453.net []
  8  *  *  *  Request timed out.
  9  265 ms  263 ms  263 ms  if-9-2.tcore1.TV2-Tokyo.as6453.net []
 10  *  *  *  Request timed out.
 11  256 ms  258 ms  291 ms  if-6-2.tcore1.SVW-Singapore.as6453.net []
 12  296 ms  293 ms  295 ms
 13  *  *  *  Request timed out.
 14  *  314 ms  315 ms []
 15  317 ms  319 ms  324 ms []
 16  *  319 ms  319 ms  63-218-211-185.static.pccwglobal.net []
 17  *  296 ms  297 ms  anc.ge13-34.br01.hkg04.pccwbtn.net []
 18  *  292 ms  291 ms  xe-0-0-0.0.gw2.hkg9.asianetcom.net []
 19  293 ms  293 ms  *  CDF-0002.gw1.hkg4.asianetcom.net []
 20  *  *  635 ms

Trace complete.
P.S., What you see in a TRACERT depends a lot on where your ISP's "backbone" connects to other networks (and similarly on down the line). For me, most trips go through Chicago (even to my employer ... 1 mile down the street and, like me, a RoadRunner subscriber).
[C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD16x64]tracert jpsoft.com

Tracing route to jpsoft.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    55 ms    22 ms    11 ms  cpe-174-109-008-001.nc.res.rr.com []
  2     9 ms    11 ms    18 ms
  3    11 ms    19 ms    11 ms  ae19.rlghncpop-rtr1.southeast.rr.com []
  4    31 ms    36 ms    34 ms
  5    35 ms    28 ms    28 ms  ae-2-0.pr0.dca10.tbone.rr.com []
  6    30 ms    35 ms    34 ms  ash-b2-link.telia.net []
  7   111 ms    33 ms    28 ms  ash-b1-link.telia.net []
  8    29 ms    28 ms    28 ms  cloudflare-ic-306329-ash-b1.c.telia.net []
  9    29 ms    27 ms    28 ms

Trace complete.

[C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD16x64]

What are the 2-4 columns please?
Those columns are round trip times (RTT). As I said, it's better now. And I don't even see a cloudflare host.
v:\> tracert jpsoft.com

Tracing route to jpsoft.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1  7 ms  7 ms  7 ms
  2  15 ms  8 ms  9 ms  gig1-2-2.prisny05-rtr001.cny.northeast.rr.com []
  3  13 ms  13 ms  12 ms  rdc-24-58-149-176.cny.east.twcable.com []
  4  30 ms  31 ms  31 ms  be4.rochny-rtr000.cny.northeast.rr.com []
  5  34 ms  31 ms  31 ms  be45.cr0.chi10.tbone.rr.com []
  6  29 ms  *  28 ms  ae4.pr1.chi10.tbone.rr.com []
  7  31 ms  34 ms  31 ms  xe-3-0-3.ar2.ord1.us.as4436.gtt.net []
  8  37 ms  40 ms  29 ms  ae4-52.cr1.ord1.us.as4436.gtt.net []
  9  29 ms  29 ms  38 ms  as13335.ae1-905.cr1.ord1.us.as4436.gtt.net []
 10  30 ms  29 ms  29 ms

Trace complete.
When I connect to Your site from work it is ok.
Instead, when I connect from home, I get a cloudfare check page where I have to type a number to prove I am a person.
From home I connect only on saturday or on sunday.


Rodolfo Giovanninetti
When I connect to Your site from work it is ok.
Instead, when I connect from home, I get a cloudfare check page where I have to type a number to prove I am a person.
From home I connect only on saturday or on sunday.

CloudFlare only displays that page when your IP matches one that has been used recently to attack a site. Sounds like you have some bad children in your ISP neighborhood.