- Aug
- 2,038
- 82
I have been using the following plugin with no problems;
However, in TCC 21;
I'm also having problems with;
which load, and works, with no problem in TCC 18, but not in TCC 21.
Now, other plugins, such as sysutils64.dll, load, and work, with no problem in TCC 21.
Are there newer versions of these plugins that I am not aware of, or is it something else?
c:\users\jlc\utils>dir ISO8601-x64.dll
Volume in drive C is WINDOWS Serial number is dodo:dada
Directory of C:\Users\jlc\utils\ISO8601-x64.dll
8/16/2016 12:56 77,824 ISO8601-x64.dll
77,824 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs 77,824 bytes allocated
c:\users\jlc\utils>ver /r
TCC 18.00.32 x64 Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
TCC Build 32 Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
Registered to Joe Caverly - 1 System License
c:\users\jlc\utils>plugin /l ISO8601-x64.dll
ISO8601 plugin v1.6.0 loaded.
However, in TCC 21;
[C:\Users\jlc\utils]ver /r
TCC 21.01.53 x64 Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
TCC Build 53 Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
[C:\Users\jlc\utils]plugin /l ISO8601-x64.dll
TCC: (Sys) A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.
I'm also having problems with;
[C:\Users\jlc\utils]plugin /l 4utils64.dll
TCC: (Sys) The specified module could not be found.
[C:\Users\jlc\utils]dir 4utils64.dll
Volume in drive C is WINDOWS Serial number is d4d0:ce4e
Directory of C:\Users\jlc\utils\4utils64.dll
6/24/2017 11:56 147,456 4utils64.dll
147,456 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs 147,456 bytes allocated
Now, other plugins, such as sysutils64.dll, load, and work, with no problem in TCC 21.
Are there newer versions of these plugins that I am not aware of, or is it something else?