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ISO8601-x64.dll and TCC 21

I have been using the following plugin with no problems;
c:\users\jlc\utils>dir ISO8601-x64.dll

 Volume in drive C is WINDOWS        Serial number is dodo:dada
 Directory of  C:\Users\jlc\utils\ISO8601-x64.dll

 8/16/2016  12:56          77,824  ISO8601-x64.dll
            77,824 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs    77,824 bytes allocated

c:\users\jlc\utils>ver /r

TCC  18.00.32 x64   Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
TCC Build 32   Windows 7 Build 7601  Service Pack 1
Registered to Joe Caverly - 1 System License

c:\users\jlc\utils>plugin /l ISO8601-x64.dll
ISO8601 plugin v1.6.0 loaded.

However, in TCC 21;
[C:\Users\jlc\utils]ver /r

TCC  21.01.53 x64   Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
TCC Build 53   Windows 7 Build 7601  Service Pack 1

[C:\Users\jlc\utils]plugin /l ISO8601-x64.dll
TCC: (Sys) A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.

I'm also having problems with;
[C:\Users\jlc\utils]plugin /l 4utils64.dll
TCC: (Sys) The specified module could not be found.

[C:\Users\jlc\utils]dir 4utils64.dll

 Volume in drive C is WINDOWS      Serial number is d4d0:ce4e
 Directory of  C:\Users\jlc\utils\4utils64.dll

 6/24/2017  11:56         147,456  4utils64.dll
             147,456 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs    147,456 bytes allocated
which load, and works, with no problem in TCC 18, but not in TCC 21.

Now, other plugins, such as sysutils64.dll, load, and work, with no problem in TCC 21.

Are there newer versions of these plugins that I am not aware of, or is it something else?

Try copying v18's ONIG.DLL to v21's installation directory. That might get 4UTILS working. I don't know about Charles's ISO8601.
Try copying v18's ONIG.DLL to v21's installation directory. That might get 4UTILS working. I don't know about Charles's ISO8601.

Thanks Vince, that worked.
C:\utils]ver /r

TCC  21.01.53 x64   Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
TCC Build 53   Windows 7 Build 7601  Service Pack 1

[C:\utils]plugin /l 4utils64.dll

4UTILS:         @AGEDATEF       @ASCIIHEX       @AVG            @BINOM          @CIDRTOIP       @CLOCK
                @DECRYPT        @DEQUOTE        @DLEVEL         @DNS            @DOWCVT         @DTMARK
                @DTPLUS         @DU             @EMPTY          @EXECW          @FACT           @FDATE
                @FILEREADI      @FILEREADX      @FILEWRITEX     @FMTBYTE        @FREGEX         @FTIME
                @GEV            @GMATCH         @GV             @HEXTOIP        @IFILESIZE      @IFILETIME
                @IPTOCIDR       @IPTOHEX        @ISLEAP         @ISUSB          @LC             @LSB
                @MSB            @MONCVT         @MRAND          @MRANDSEED      @NEWEST         @NOOP
                @OLDEST         @OVERWRITE      @PARSEF         @PARSEW         @PERM           @PP
                @PROD           @PRODEX         @SEQ            @SET            @SREPEAT        @SUM
                @SUMEX          @TCONVERT       @TR             @UCODEHEX       @UNIXTIME       @VARNAMES
                @XMATCH         @XREPLACE       CD              CDIN            CDNEXT          CDPREV
                CLOCK           CLR             DEC             DIRSORT         DNS             DROPTOCLIP
                ENCRYPT         ET              EVAL            FCONVERT        FILETIMES       GREPP
                GSET            HIRESTIME       INC             KILLTHREAD      LC              NOOP
                NOTAGS          PACE            PERMUTE         SETERR          TCCD            THREAD
                TODROP          UHELP           UPDATEENV       VARNAMES        WAIT            _AGENOW
                _CDIN           _CDNEXT         _CDPREV         _CLIPLINES      _CONHOST        _D8
                _DESK           _DESKS          _DLEVEL         _ENVCOUNT       _HIRESTIME      _INETADDR
                _INETNAME       _INKEY          _IODESK         _MODKEYS        _N              _NOOP
                _PRIORITY       _PROCSESS       _PROFILES       _PROGMAN        _STARTUPCMD     _SYSSESS
                _T6             _T9             _TCCCOUNT       _TCCPATH        _TCHOSTWIN      _UNIXTIME
                _UTC            _WORKSET        *KEYHANDLER

It did not work for Charle's ISO8601, though.

I guess it's time to admit that I'm still using Take Command v20. I'll download a copy of the latest and try to figure out what's changed, but it will probably be sometime next week before I get it sorted.
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