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Off topic: 10/3 cumulative update?

Has anyone else got the 10/3 Windows 10 cumulative update? After installing it StartMenu and ActionCenter are dead! Neither will open although ActionCenter gets new notifications (which I can't see).

Are there alternative ways to get to things like settings and Windows update?
The powershell commandlet Get-WUInstall will perform Windows Update.

Write-Host "The system may reboot. Please save all your work and close all applications."
Write-Host -NoNewline "Press any key to continue... "
[System.Console]::ReadKey() | Out-Null
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Get-WUInstall -AcceptAll -MicrosoftUpdate -AutoReboot"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
            Get-WUInstall -AcceptAll -MicrosoftUpdate -AutoReboot
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Done!"
[System.Console]::ReadKey() | Out-Null

And invoke the script like this:
powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command WUAcceptAllAndAutoreboot.PS1
Are there alternative ways to get to things like settings and Windows update?

From the TCC Prompt;
start ms-settings:windowsupdate

Once you have that window open, click Home in the upper left of the window, which will take you to Windows Settings.

From the TCC Prompt;
start ms-settings:windowsupdate

Similar things doc'd anywhere? [Sounds like something I have, or once had, a plugin to do.]

I have fixed the problem, at least temporarily, though I'm not 100% sure of the cause.

I got the StartMenu and ActionCenter back after enabling and starting camsvc (Capability Access Manager). I had disabled it weeks ago but that didn't cause any problems (with numerous restarts and logins) until today. So my best guess for now is that with the update, camsvc must be running (or maybe just enabled) at logon (or the first time StartMenu and/or ActionCenter are used). Thereafter, it can be stopped, even disabled, but I suspect that disabling it again will bring back the problem.

Another thing I noticed was that ShellExperienceHost and StartMenuExperienceHost were not running when I was having the problem. I haven't got a theory on that one. It seems odd that they would be started by camsvc.
I'm sorry I thought it was built-in. It exists in C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\PSWindowsUpdate\ on my PC.
$ dir C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\PSWindowsUpdate\

 Volume in drive C is Windows      Serial number is ea78:3bf6
 Directory of  C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\PSWindowsUpdate\*

 7/18/2015  20:49         <DIR>    .
 7/18/2015  20:49         <DIR>    ..
 7/18/2015  20:45           4,198  Add-WUOfflineSync.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45           7,774  Add-WUServiceManager.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45           8,430  Get-WUHistory.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45          70,258  Get-WUInstall.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45           1,919  Get-WUInstallerStatus.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45          47,136  Get-WUList.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45           7,156  Get-WURebootStatus.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45           2,343  Get-WUServiceManager.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45           1,647  Get-WUUninstall.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45          42,866  Hide-WUUpdate.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45           6,020  Invoke-WUInstall.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45           5,095  PSWindowsUpdate.Format.ps1xml
 7/18/2015  20:45           9,130  PSWindowsUpdate.psd1
 7/18/2015  20:45             252  PSWindowsUpdate.psm1
 7/18/2015  20:45           3,089  Remove-WUOfflineSync.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45           5,256  Remove-WUServiceManager.ps1
 7/18/2015  20:45          19,582  Update-WUModule.ps1
             242,151 bytes in 17 files and 2 dirs    282,624 bytes allocated
     569,745,207,296 bytes free

Thanks. I was thinking of my OPENCP which could in Win7 open all the control panel items below. In WIn10 it only works for 20, 33, and 34 (even elevated).
p:\4sysutils> opencp /l
0  Microsoft.ActionCenter
1  Microsoft.AdministrativeTools
2  Microsoft.AutoPlay
3  Microsoft.BackupAndRestore
4  Microsoft.ColorManagement
5  Microsoft.CredentialManager
6  Microsoft.DateAndTime
7  Microsoft.DefaultPrograms
8  Microsoft.DeviceManager
9  Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinters
10 Microsoft.EaseOfAccessCenter
11 Microsoft.FileHistory
12 Microsoft.FolderOptions
13 Microsoft.Fonts
14 Microsoft.IndexingOptions
15 Microsoft.InternetOptions
16 Microsoft.Keyboard
17 Microsoft.MobilityCenter
18 Microsoft.Mouse
19 Microsoft.PenAndTouch
20 Microsoft.Personalization
21 Microsoft.PhoneAndModem
22 Microsoft.PowerOptions
23 Microsoft.ProgramsAndFeatures
24 Microsoft.Recovery
25 Microsoft.RegionAndLanguage
26 Microsoft.Sound
27 Microsoft.SpeechRecognition
28 Microsoft.StorageSpaces
29 Microsoft.SyncCenter
30 Microsoft.System
31 Microsoft.TabletPCSettings
32 Microsoft.Taskbar
33 Microsoft.TextToSpeech
34 Microsoft.Troubleshooting
35 Microsoft.UserAccounts
36 Microsoft.WindowsFirewall
37 Microsoft.WorkFolders
38 RST
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