Purpose:Calls the Take Command Editor


Format:TCEDIT [range .../C /EXIT /INI /PRINT /START /O:[-]acdeginorstuz ] file [/GOTOLINE:n /PRINT /RDONLY] ...



File(s) to edit


/C(reate new file)






/INI (edit TCMD.INI)


/O:... (Order)



File Selection


Supports extended wildcards, ranges, multiple file names, and include lists.


File Completion Syntax:


The default filename completion syntax is: [1] dirs btm bat cmd [2*] *




TCEdit Menus

TCEdit Toolbar

TCEdit Status Bar

TCEdit Windows

TCEdit Editing Commands


TCEDIT opens a tabbed environment in which INI, script, FTP and HTTP files can be edited. TCEDIT supports syntax colorization for many scripting languages, including .BAT, .BTM, and .CMD batch files, Perl, Python, Ruby, and Tcl. Each argument on the command line is assumed to be a filename to be opened in a separate tab window.


TCEDIT will display document changes in the margin and in the text. In the text, inserted characters appear with colored underlines and points where characters were deleted are shown with small triangles. The margin shows a block indicating the overall state of the line. The states are modified (orange), saved (green), saved then reverted to modified (green-yellow), and saved then reverted to original (cyan). The change history can be toggled on or off with the "Options / Change History" menu entry.


When loading a file, TCEDIIT will first check for the file type (UTF-16, UTF-8 with BOM, or ANSI). If the file doesn't have a UTF-16 or UTF-8 BOM, it is read as an ANSI file with the current console code page, and converted to UTF-8 before editing. It will be converted back to an ANSI file with the current code page when it is saved. This allows TCEDIIT to properly display high-bit ASCII characters in the editor.


If you specify a file that doesn't exist when starting TCEDIIT (and you didn't specify /C), TCEDIIT will display a messagebox asking if you want to create the file.


Yes - Creates a new empty file and opens it in the active tab window

No - Opens an untitled empty tab window (you will need to name the file before saving)

Cancel - Exits TCEDIIT


TCEDIT will select the syntax lexer (colorization) based on the file extension:


.bat TCMD (or CMD)
.btm TCMD
.cmd TCMD (or CMD)
.htm HTML
.php PHP
.shBash shell


TCEDIT also supports reading from the clipboared (CLIP:), FTP, and HTTP sites.


The TCEDIT window includes a slider control on the lower right corner of the status bar to control the transparency level. You can also change the transparency with Ctrl-Shift-Mousewheel.


If you are editing a TCC batch file, use the (default) TCC Syntax in the Options menu. If you are editing a batch file to run under CMD.EXE, select CMD Syntax. If you select CMD Syntax, TCEDIT will reconfigure the batch file parser for maximum CMD.EXE compatibility, including disabling TCC-only internal commands, aliases, variables, functions, and plugins.


TCEdit will monitor the filesystem for any changes to the file(s) being edited. If another application modifies a file, the IDE will display a message notifying you of the change and asking if you want to reload the updated file.


TCEdit allows you to create and edit NTFS streams. The syntax is "filename.ext:streamname".




The edit window toolbar (which is configurable by clicking on the rightmost down arrow), has a number of icons to control debugging. Each has a tooltip for quick reference:


NewCreate a new batch file in a new tab window.
OpenOpen an existing batch file in a new tab window.
SaveSave the current batch file.
PrintPrint the current batch file.
CutCopy the highlighted selection to the clipboard and delete it from the file.
Copy Copy the highlighted selection to the clipboard.
PasteCopy the contents of the clipboard to the current cursor location.
DeleteDelete the highlighted selection.
UndoUndo the last edit.
RedoRestore the last Undo.
FindSearch for text.
File PropertiesDisplays information on the current file.
Command PromptStart another copy of TCC (this is useful if you need to perform some tasks while debugging a file.)
HelpDisplay the online help.


You can get help for the currently selected (highlighted) command / variable / function by pressing Ctrl-F1, or right-clicking the mouse and selecting Help from the context menu.


Open will load the file and any associated bookmark file (filename.ext.bmark).


Save will save the file and any associated bookmark file (filename.ext.bmark) and the watched variables file.


Piping Input to TCEdit


TCEdit supports piped input. For example, "dir | TCEdit" will load the contents of the directory into the first tab window.


TCEdit supports piped output with the "File / Write to STDOUT" menu option. This allows you to edit the pipe input before sending it on to be processed by another app. For example:


dir /b | tcedit | someapp




/CIf the specified file doesn't exist, create it without prompting.


/GOTOLINE:nGo to the specified line in the file after opening the tab window. For example:


tcedit mytest.cmd /gotoline:24 [yourtest.cmd /gotoline:12 ...]


/O:...Sort the files before editing.


You may use any combination of the sorting options below. If multiple options are used, the listing will be sorted with the first sort option as the primary key, the next as the secondary key, and so on:


nSort by filename and extension, unless e is explicitly included. This is the default.
-Reverse the sort order for the next sort key
aSort names and extensions in standard ASCII order, instead of numerically when numeric substrings are included in the name or extension.
cSort by compression ratio
dSort by date and time (oldest first); also see /T:acw
eSort by extension
gGroup subdirectories first, then files
iSort by description
oSort by owner
rReverse the sort order for all options
sSort by size
tSame as d
zSame as s


/PRINTDisplay the Print dialog, print the file and then exit TCEdit. For example:


tcedit filename /print


/RDONLYStart TCEdit in read-only mode for the file preceding the /RDONLY argument on the command line.


/Wrap:nSet the default line wrapping mode. n is a value from 0 - 3; the default value is 0.


0        None

1        Word

2        Character

3        Whitespace


/Wrap applies to all files following it on the command line.