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WAD IFTP - old problem still there

Two problems here: With PassiveFTP=No, many files truncated, many aborted.
v:\> iftp "ftp://lucky/4plugins/test"

v:\> dir ftp:

Directory of  ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/*

2014-06-05  01:53  <DIR>  .
2014-06-05  01:53  <DIR>  ..
2014-06-05  01:52  256  8.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  512  9.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  1,024  10.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  2,048  11.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  4,096  12.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  8,192  13.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  16,384  14.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  32,768  15.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  65,536  16.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  131,072  17.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  262,144  18.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  524,288  19.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  1,048,576  20.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  2,097,152  21.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  4,194,304  22.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  8,388,608  23.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  16,777,216  24.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  33,554,432  25.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  67,108,864  26.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  134,217,728  27.bin
2014-06-05  01:52  268,435,456  28.bin
2014-06-05  01:53  536,870,912  29.bin
2014-06-05  01:53  1,073,741,824  30.bin
  2,147,483,392 bytes in 23 files and 2 dirs

v:\bin> do i=8 to 24 ( copy ftp:%i.bin )
ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/8.bin => V:\bin\8.bin
  1 file copied
ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/9.bin => V:\bin\9.bin
  1 file copied
ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/10.bin => V:\bin\10.bin
  1 file copied
ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/11.bin => V:\bin\11.bin
  1 file copied
ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/12.bin => V:\bin\12.bin
  1 file copied
ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/13.bin => V:\bin\13.bin
  1 file copied
ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/14.bin => V:\bin\14.bin
  1 file copied
ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/15.bin => V:\bin\15.bin
  1 file copied
ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/16.bin => V:\bin\16.bin
  1 file copied
ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/17.bin => V:\bin\17.bin
  1 file copied
ftp://lucky/4plugins/test/18.bin => V:\bin\18.bin
TCC: FTP protocol error: 426 Data connection unexpectedly closed,
  0 files copied  1 failed


v:\bin> dir

Volume in drive V is DATA  Serial number is c007:d3e4
Directory of  V:\bin\*

2014-10-28  21:35  <DIR>  .
2014-10-28  21:35  <DIR>  ..
2014-10-28  21:34  256  8.bin
2014-10-28  21:34  512  9.bin
2014-10-28  21:34  1,024  10.bin
2014-10-28  21:34  1,985  11.bin
2014-10-28  21:34  1,360  12.bin
2014-10-28  21:34  1,360  13.bin
2014-10-28  21:34  1,360  14.bin
2014-10-28  21:34  1,360  15.bin
2014-10-28  21:34  1,360  16.bin
2014-10-28  21:34  1,360  17.bin
  11,937 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs  40,960 bytes a
Not reproducible here.

And as I have told you (several times) previously, there's absolutely no reason for you to be using PassiveFTP=no (unless you really, really want to generate continual errors on your system).
Then why don't you remove the option?

COPY ftp://... can get them (with PassiveFTP=No)

An ancient CuteFTP (not even capable of PASV) can get them all in one session.

It seems like a bug to me.
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