Is there a command that displays the disk usage of a directory or directory tree without counting the space used by a file twice if there ae two hard links to it? DIR counts the space used by one file as many times as there are hard links to it. Linux/Cygwin du counts it once only.
[z:] dir /h /k
2013-06-08 20:37 1,000 x
1,000 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs 4,096 bytes allocated
[z:] dir /h /k /u
1,000 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs 4,096 bytes allocated
[z:] \cygwin\bin\du -b
1000 .
[z:] mklnk x z
\tmp\tcmd\z -> \tmp\tcmd\x
[z:] dir /h /k
2013-06-08 20:37 1,000 x
2013-06-08 20:37 1,000 z
2,000 bytes in 2 files and 0 dirs 8,192 bytes allocated
[z:] dir /h /k /u
2,000 bytes in 2 files and 0 dirs 8,192 bytes allocated
[z:] \cygwin\bin\du -b
1000 .