Thank you, Charles, that's kind of what I expected although I find it quite surprising because I thought that TCC's native "language" was Unicode and not ANSI/ASCII, which were only there as kind of a "concession". And this is kind of surprising to me because the primary kinds of batch files that I write are "filters" of some kind or another; they read some data in from standard input, process it in some manner, and write it back out to standard output. And it's really not too unusual to for me to have two or three or even more of these "filters" "piped" one after the other on the command line. (And this kind of thing can not be done using temporary files that I have to write and read.) So the inability to read Unicode from standard input basically means that I will have to uncheck the "Unicode Output" option, which I've kept unchecked for probably as long as it's existed but recently changed because I've read a couple of things lately that all basically said "The world is switching to Unicode, and you'll be left behind if you don't switch too." (And I really doubt that "@SafeExp" has anything at all to do with it and I really don't want to live without it - in particular, I make heavy use of very-long files (as a memory aid to tell me exactly what is in a file given my bad memory), and I like to use "&" instead of "and" and I make heavy use of commas (which I have to "UnSafe /E:, >NUL: of course), and because batch files couldn't handle these things before your "@Safe" routines (and, as always, thank you very much!) I was forced to write C++ programs which, because of my drastically declining programming skills due to my bad memory was getting more and more impractical. So, thank you again!)
- Dan