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Registry as file system

Hello -

Was it every suggested that TCC adds support for the Registry as a file system?

On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 13:30:49 -0400, fpefpe <> wrote:

|Was it every suggested that TCC adds support for the Registry as a file system?

It was discussed a long time ago. There's a perfect analogy:

hive - drive
key - directory
subkey - subdirectory
value - file
data - file contents

I'm sure it would be **a lot** of work which probably wouldn't be justified by
the payoff.
- Vince
On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 13:56:02 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|> Was it every suggested that TCC adds support for the Registry as a file
|> system?
|---End Quote---
|It was suggested, but nobody's been able to come up with a real-world need
|for it (other than "it would be cool").

It **would** be really cool.

A very crude approximation could be done with a plugin, but it couldn't be
integrated with TCC. This (below) wouldn't be too hard. But I'm disinclined to
do it because it would just be an exercise in being cool (and it wouldn't be all
that cool).

REGENTER hive - open a hive
REGHIVE hive - change hive
REGCD key - enter a key (up/down only)
REGDIR - list subkeys/valuenmes_and_types (current key only)
REGTYPE value - show data in reg value (current key)

Try to make it just a little more like navigating a file system (REGCD anywhere,
REGDIR anykey, REGTYPE any value) and the work necessary skyrockets.

However, it seems that a REGENUM command could be useful (and easy). Together
with what TCC already makes available it might help the user (who was so
compelled) to create a collection of aliases, variables and user-defined
functions (maybe batch files) to roam around the registry.

Simply, it might be:

REGENUM hive[\key\subkey\...] - give a dir-like listing of subkeys (with mod
times) and values (with types).
- Vince
Type REG QUERY /? at a command prompt. I think all that you desire is
built-in to that utility. With the exception of modification times. I
didn't know that information was even available.

REG is built-in to all versions of Windows.


vefatica <> wrote on 06/17/2010 02:37:52 PM:

> On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 13:56:02 -0400, rconn <> wrote:
> |---Quote---
> |> Was it every suggested that TCC adds support for the Registry as a

> |> system?
> |---End Quote---
> |It was suggested, but nobody's been able to come up with a real-world

> |for it (other than "it would be cool").
> It **would** be really cool.
> A very crude approximation could be done with a plugin, but it couldn't

> integrated with TCC. This (below) wouldn't be too hard. But I'm
> disinclined to
> do it because it would just be an exercise in being cool (and it
> wouldn't be all
> that cool).
> REGENTER hive - open a hive
> REGHIVE hive - change hive
> REGCD key - enter a key (up/down only)
> REGDIR - list subkeys/valuenmes_and_types (current key only)
> REGTYPE value - show data in reg value (current key)
> Try to make it just a little more like navigating a file system
> (REGCD anywhere,
> REGDIR anykey, REGTYPE any value) and the work necessary skyrockets.
> However, it seems that a REGENUM command could be useful (and easy).

> with what TCC already makes available it might help the user (who was so
> compelled) to create a collection of aliases, variables and user-defined
> functions (maybe batch files) to roam around the registry.
> Simply, it might be:
> REGENUM hive[\key\subkey\...] - give a dir-like listing of subkeys (with

> times) and values (with types).
> --
> - Vince
On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 15:17:29 -0400, samintz <> wrote:

|Type REG QUERY /? at a command prompt. I think all that you desire is
|built-in to that utility. With the exception of modification times. I
|didn't know that information was even available.
|REG is built-in to all versions of Windows.

I haven't used REG.EXE in a long time, but I don't think it will give key times
(at all) or a list of a specified key's subkeys and values. And I seem to
remember having to get it from a resource CD (maybe NT4).
- Vince
However, it seems that a REGENUM command could be useful (and easy). Together with what TCC already makes available it might help the user (who was so compelled) to create a collection of aliases, variables and user-defined functions (maybe batch files) to roam around the registry.

Simply, it might be:

REGENUM hive[\key\subkey\...] - give a dir-like listing of subkeys (with mod times) and values (with types).

With the exception of modification times. I
didn't know that information was even available.
As an aside, I was first made aware of that information being available when I discovered the very nice GUI registry editor called Registry Workshop. It has an undo function for those who like to whack things, but you can get them back if needed. And you can even browse down into normally inaccessible secured registry keys.
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I've used that sort of feature in perl, but would have used other methods if
they were as simple.

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:55 AM, rconn <> wrote:

> ---Quote---
> > Was it every suggested that TCC adds support for the Registry as a file
> > system?
> ---End Quote---
> It was suggested, but nobody's been able to come up with a real-world need
> for it (other than "it would be cool").
> Rex Conn
> JP Software

Jim Cook
2010 Sundays: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Monday.
PS C:\utils> set-location HKCU:
PS HKCU:\> dir

Hive: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER

SKC VC Name Property
--- -- ---- --------
2 0 AppEvents {}
0 32 Console {ColorTable00, ColorTable01, ColorTable02, ColorTable03...}
25 1 Control Panel {Opened}
0 4 Environment {PATH, TEMP, TMP, jlc}
1 6 Identities {Identity Ordinal, Migrated5, Last Username, Last User ID...}
4 0 Keyboard Layout {}
2 0 Network {}
4 1 Printers {DeviceOld}
128 1 Software {(default)}
1 0 SYSTEM {}
2 0 Toolbar {}
0 0 UNICODE Program Groups {}
2 0 Windows 3.1 Migration Status {}
0 1 SessionInformation {ProgramCount}

PS HKCU:\> cd "Control Panel"
PS HKCU:\Control Panel> dir

Hive: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel

SKC VC Name Property
--- -- ---- --------
11 0 Accessibility {}
2 3 Appearance {Current, NewCurrent, CustomColors}
1 2 Bluetooth {LastRadioArrival, Notification Area Icon}
0 31 Colors {ActiveBorder, ActiveTitle, AppWorkSpace, Background...}
0 1 Current {Color Schemes}
0 2 Cursors {(default), Scheme Source}
0 16 Custom Colors {ColorA, ColorB, ColorC, ColorD...}
1 38 Desktop {ActiveWndTrkTimeout, AutoEndTasks, CaretWidth, CoolSwitch...}
0 2 don't load {ncpa.cpl, odbccp32.cpl}
1 1 Input Method {Show Status}
1 37 International {iCountry, iCurrDigits, iCurrency, iDate...}
0 1 IOProcs {MVB}
0 3 Keyboard {InitialKeyboardIndicators, KeyboardDelay, KeyboardSpeed}
1 0 Microsoft Input Devices {}
0 1 MMCPL {mlcfg32.cpl}
0 13 Mouse {ActiveWindowTracking, DoubleClickHeight, DoubleClickSpeed, DoubleClickWidth...}
0 14 Patterns {(None), 50% Gray, Boxes, Critters...}
2 1 PowerCfg {CurrentPowerPolicy}
0 0 Screen Saver.3DFlyingObj {}
0 0 Screen Saver.3DPipes {}
0 0 Screen Saver.Bezier {}
0 8 Screen Saver.Marquee {BackgroundColor, CharSet, Font, Mode...}
0 11 Screen Saver.Mystify {Active1, Active2, Clear Screen, EndColor1...}
0 2 Screen Saver.Stars {Density, WarpSpeed}
0 2 Sound {Beep, ExtendedSounds}


Perhaps adding hooks into the plugin system so plugin developer's could
add their own pseudo-devices would be possible.

So I could create a REG: pseudo-device that would operate akin to the FTP:
pseudo-device you have in place already. I believe I asked for something
like that in the past.

> Perhaps adding hooks into the plugin system so plugin developer's could
> add their own pseudo-devices would be possible.
> So I could create a REG: pseudo-device that would operate akin to the
> FTP: pseudo-device you have in place already

Not even remotely doable. Each command that uses a pseudo-device (like FTP:
or CLIP:) has to have its own interface code.

Rex Conn
JP Software
On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 17:47:41 -0400, Joe Caverly <> wrote:

| This feature is available in Windows Powershell. For an example, visit (http://powershell.com/cs/blogs/ebook/archive/2009/03/30/chapter-16-the-registry.aspx)
| I usually just have PowerShell open in a tab when I need to use features that TCC does not presently have.

As I recall, with PS you can navigate many things as if they were directory
trees (WMI trees is another example, I think)... even have the current
"location" appear in the prompt. The whole thing might be WMI based.
- Vince
This (below) was easy enough. Is it of any value? Are there any suggestions?

g:\projects\4sysutils\release> regenum hkcu\console
2010-05-16 22:06:59 [KEY] d:_tc11_tcc.exe
2010-05-09 14:38:37 [KEY] D:_TC12_tcc.exe
2009-08-14 00:27:09 [KEY] D:_tcmd10_tcc.exe
2008-12-17 00:48:14 [KEY] D:_tcmd9_tcc.exe
2500-08-07 00:42:10 [KEY] S:_cmd.exe
2009-08-14 00:26:36 [KEY] Shortcut to tcc.exe
[DWORD] ColorTable00
[DWORD] ColorTable01
[DWORD] ColorTable02
[DWORD] ColorTable03
[DWORD] ColorTable04
[DWORD] ColorTable05
[DWORD] ColorTable06
[DWORD] ColorTable07
[DWORD] ColorTable08
[DWORD] ColorTable09
[DWORD] ColorTable10
[DWORD] ColorTable11
[DWORD] ColorTable12
[DWORD] ColorTable13
[DWORD] ColorTable14
[DWORD] ColorTable15
[DWORD] CursorSize
[SZ] FaceName
[DWORD] FontFamily
[DWORD] FontSize
[DWORD] FontWeight
[DWORD] FullScreen
[DWORD] HistoryBufferSize
[DWORD] InsertMode
[DWORD] LoadConIme
[DWORD] NumberOfHistoryBuffers
[DWORD] PopupColors
[DWORD] QuickEdit
[DWORD] ScreenBufferSize
[DWORD] ScreenColors
[DWORD] WindowSize
[DWORD] CurrentPage
[DWORD] CodePage
Totals: 6 subkeys 33 values
- Vince
It was suggested, but nobody's been able to come up with a real-world need
for it (other than "it would be cool").

Rex Conn
JP Software

Some time age I came across a cygwin alternative call kwin from att research. It contains a korn shell that has the registry mounted as a file system

----- Original Message -----
From: "rconn" <>
| ---Quote---
| > Was it every suggested that TCC adds support for the Registry as a file
| > system?
| ---End Quote---
| It was suggested, but nobody's been able to come up with a real-world need
| for it (other than "it would be cool").

What about a drive which contains the registry from your old system, which
you moved to a new system as an extra drive? One would really like to
duplicate the registry entries which make the software on that drive usable,
and likewise, prepare for the time when the current system is to be replaced
by a newer (but not necessarily better) one.
> What about a drive which contains the registry from your old system,
> which you moved to a new system as an extra drive? One would really
> like to duplicate the registry entries which make the software on
> that drive usable, and likewise, prepare for the time when the
> current system is to be replaced by a newer (but not necessarily
> better) one.

I don't see how adding a kludge to TCC could provide any functionality that
isn't already available in a zillion registry apps (including a couple that
are provided with Windows). It sounds like an enormous amount of work for
something that *might* be used by one or two people (but who would have been
better served by existing apps).

It's back to the old argument -- would you rather have this or 200 other new

Rex Conn
JP Software
> ---Quote (Originally by rconn)---
> It was suggested, but nobody's been able to come up with a real-world
> need for it (other than "it would be cool").
> ---End Quote---
> Some time age I came across a cygwin alternative call kwin from att
> research. It contains a korn shell that has the registry mounted as a
> file system

It wouldn't be too hard for somebody to create a Windows file system driver
to do this -- easier than trying to cram it into TCC, and it would then be
available to everybody.

IMO it's not an appropriate thing to put into the command processor.

Rex Conn
JP Software
On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 17:47:41 -0400, Joe Caverly <> wrote:

As I recall, with PS you can navigate many things as if they were directory
trees (WMI trees is another example, I think)... even have the current
"location" appear in the prompt. The whole thing might be WMI based.
- Vince

The Registry is but one of several "Providers". The following are a list of Providers in Powershell;

PS C:\utils> get-psprovider

Name Capabilities Drives
---- ------------ ------
Alias ShouldProcess {Alias}
Environment ShouldProcess {Env}
FileSystem Filter, ShouldProcess {C, A, D, G...}
Function ShouldProcess {Function}
Registry ShouldProcess {HKLM, HKCU}
Variable ShouldProcess {Variable}
Certificate ShouldProcess {cert}

One can also build their own Provider (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee126186(VS.85).aspx)

I've been toying with a rexx script that would work the registry from a script file, with commands along the line of

  • REGCD change cd
  • REGSUBST name: base:\dir
  • DWORD create a dword
  • EXPANDSZ create an expand string
  • SZ create a string
  • HIVELOAD location file
  • HIVESAVE location
  • EXTRACT write a reg dir to file

The idea being that ye could load different tables of REGSUBST to point to different locations (such as editing an off-line registry)

Still, there is regcmd in reactos that does pretty much like cmd does to the command file.

I never really saw the point of making registry into a general purpose file system, though. TotalCommander does come with a registry plugin for the fs.