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EXE file detail fields

Is there a way to retrieve all the verinfo[whatever.exe,descriptor] fields?
Here is one method, that populates an array with the information.
@echo off

     _x64: 1
   _admin: 1
_elevated: 1

TCC  30.00.22 x64   Windows 10 [Version 10.0.19044.3086]

setarray /f info[10,2]

set info[0,0]=CompanyName
set info[1,0]=FileDescription
set info[2,0]=FileVersion
set info[3,0]=InternalName
set info[4,0]=LegalCopyright
set info[5,0]=LegalTrademarks
set info[6,0]=OriginalFileName
set info[7,0]=ProductName
set info[8,0]=ProductVersion
set info[9,0]=Build

set target="C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD30\tcc.exe"

do kount=0 to 9
  set info[%kount,1]=%@verinfo[%target,%info[%kount,0]]
  echo %info[%kount,0] %@char[9] %info[%kount,1]

unsetarray info


Here's a modification for displaying the results;
if %# eq 0 set target="C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD30\tcc.exe"
if %# eq 1 set target=%1

do kount=0 to 9
  set info[%kount,1]=%@verinfo[%target,%info[%kount,0]]
  set f1Len=%@len[%info[%kount,0]]
  echos %info[%kount,0]
  printf %*s\n, %@eval[70-%f1Len], %info[%kount,1]

It uses printf to right-align the verinfo item.

Here is one method, that populates an array with the information.
@echo off

     _x64: 1
   _admin: 1
_elevated: 1

TCC  30.00.22 x64   Windows 10 [Version 10.0.19044.3086]

setarray /f info[10,2]

set info[0,0]=CompanyName
set info[1,0]=FileDescription
set info[2,0]=FileVersion
set info[3,0]=InternalName
set info[4,0]=LegalCopyright
set info[5,0]=LegalTrademarks
set info[6,0]=OriginalFileName
set info[7,0]=ProductName
set info[8,0]=ProductVersion
set info[9,0]=Build

set target="C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD30\tcc.exe"

do kount=0 to 9
  set info[%kount,1]=%@verinfo[%target,%info[%kount,0]]
  echo %info[%kount,0] %@char[9] %info[%kount,1]

unsetarray info



is it possible to have some custom file Info? I am trying to make a BTM to rename EXE files using most of the fields that each EXE's Details shows
Here's the output from the .BTM in previous posts;
CompanyName                                                JP Software
FileDescription                                                    TCC
FileVersion                                                    30.0.22
InternalName                                                       TCC
LegalCopyright     Copyright (c) 2023 Rex C. Conn and JP Software Inc.
LegalTrademarks        Take Command is a trademark of JP Software Inc.
OriginalFileName                                                   TCC
ProductName                                                        TCC
ProductVersion                                                 30.0.22
Build                                                               22

Just so I understand,
you want to rename myfile.exe to something from a @verinfo field of myfile.exe?

Or do you want to add additional info to myfile.exe?

If so, could DESCRIBE hold the information that you require in the file description of myfile.exe?

  for %fn in (*.exe) if "%@verinfo[%fn,ProductName]" NE "" move /r "%fn" "test\%@replace[ ,_,%@verinfo[%fn,ProductName]_%@verinfo[%fn,ProductVersion]_%@verinfo[%fn,FileVersion].%@ext[%fn]]"
  for %fn in (*.exe) if "%@verinfo[%fn,FileDescription]" NE "" move /r "%fn" "test\%@replace[ ,_,%@verinfo[%fn,FileDescription].%@ext[%fn]]"
  move /d /r Test\* .

while there is a "__" in the EXE name
  for %fn in (*.exe) move /r "%fn" "test\%@replace[__,_,%fn]"
  move /d /r Test\* .

i'd rather rename the EXE file and not use DESCRIBE
@Joe Caverly and @rconn and others?

The online help for verinfo says, in part :

"Note: Most, but not all, executables under Windows contain a FileVersion field. The number, names and contents of the specific information fields and language/codepage pairs provided within a given application can potentially be anything the programmer decided to use."

So I guess this means that it is possible to do more than the aforementioned 10 fields form post #2 above.

Is there a way to retrieve any custom fields?
@VERINFO can read other fields besides those listed in the documentation:

C:\>echo %@verinfo[c:\Bin\JPSDK\FileUtils\x64\Release\FileUtils.dll,Build]
2023-08-13 18:08:09

C:\>echo %@verinfo[c:\Bin\JPSDK\FileUtils\x64\Release\FileUtils.dll,"Built On"]


You would need to know what the custom fields were named, though. I don't know any way to iterate them with @VERINFO.
Here's a VBScript that I cobbled together to display all of the file property fields for a file.
Dim Shell
Dim ShellFolder
Dim ShellFile

Set Shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
'Set ShellFolder = Shell.NameSpace("C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD30\")
'Set ShellFile = ShellFolder.ParseName("tcc.exe")
Set ShellFolder = Shell.NameSpace("E:\Utils\")
Set ShellFile = ShellFolder.ParseName("TakeCommand.pdf")

For kount=0 To 320
  WScript.Echo kount, ShellFolder.GetDetailsOf(ShellFolder.Items, kount), " - ", ShellFolder.GetDetailsOf(ShellFile, kount)

Set ShellFolder = Nothing
Set ShellFile = Nothing
Set Shell = Nothing

This can be run from TCC as follows;
cscript //nologo props.vbs

This displays 321 file property fields for a file.

I also tried 1024 instead of 321,
but everything after 320 was blank.

Not all of them have info assigned to them,
depending on the file being analyzed.

I could add this to my ActiveScript plugin, maybe;

where field is a number between 0 and 320.

Interesting, and still learning, so if anyone can add to this, please do.

I made this mod;
For kount=0 To 1024
  If LenB(ShellFolder.GetDetailsOf(ShellFile, kount)) > 0 Then
    WScript.Echo kount, ShellFolder.GetDetailsOf(ShellFolder.Items, kount), " - ", ShellFolder.GetDetailsOf(ShellFile, kount)
  End If
...which produces the following for tcc.exe;
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.812
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

0 Name  -  tcc.exe
1 Size  -  257 KB
2 Item type  -  Application
3 Date modified  -  2023-06-19 1:03 PM
4 Date created  -  2023-06-19 1:03 PM
5 Date accessed  -  2023-09-05 11:27 AM
6 Attributes  -  A
9 Perceived type  -  Application
10 Owner  -  SYSTEM
11 Kind  -  Program
19 Rating  -  Unrated
25 Copyright  -  Copyright (c) 2023 Rex C. Conn and JP Software Inc.
33 Company  -  JP Software
34 File description  -  TCC
57 Total size  -  465 GB
61 Computer  -  DESKTOP-LFBF7P3 (this PC)
164 File extension  -  .exe
165 Filename  -  tcc.exe
166 File version  -
169 Space free  -  281 GB
187 Shared  -  No
190 Folder name  -  TCMD30
191 Folder path  -  C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD30
192 Folder  -  TCMD30 (C:\Program Files\JPSoft)
194 Path  -  C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD30\tcc.exe
196 Type  -  Application
199 Language  -  English (United States)
202 Link status  -  Unresolved
254 Space used  -  ?39%
295 Sharing status  -  Not shared
296   -  Available
297 Product name  -  TCC
298 Product version  -  30.0.22
310 Legal trademarks  -  Take Command is a trademark of JP Software Inc.

@Joe Caverly - i certainly would LOVE / ADORE this as a TCC plugin.

And maybe work it so that i could call and get the specific number - [0..320] and get the value - or if called this way:

setarray /f info[1024,2]


it checks if the dimentions of the passed info is a [x,2] then it loads [x,0] the left side with e.g."product name" and [[x,1] with "TCC"

if it's just a var - then it loads the var to both sides. e.g set var="Product name - TCC"

Also is the max number of 1024 or what the actual nunbere is?
Hi @Charles G;
Please find attached the updated ActiveScript plugin,
which contains the VerInfoEx command.

The VerInfoEx command is not finished,
but it allows one to provide a file and an attribute on the command line,
and returns the value of the attribute.

Note that VerInfoEx will work with any file,
not just .EXE files.

@echo off
iff not plugin ActiveScript then
  echo ActiveScript Plugin is required.

iff not isplugin VerInfoEx then
  echo The ActiveScript plugin does not contain the VerInfoEx command.
  plugin /i ActiveScript

iff %# eq 2 then
  set VerInfoEx=%{verinfoex %1,%2}
  echo Arg1=%1
  echo Arg2=%2
  set VerInfoEx=%{verinfoex %_cmdspec,310}

echo %VerInfoEx
set theAttribute=%@word[":",0,%VerInfoEx]
set theFile=%@word[":",1,%VerInfoEx]
set theResult=%@word[":",2,%VerInfoEx]

echo The Attribute: %theAttribute
echo The File:      %theFile
echo The Result:    %theResult


Sample run;
E:\...\plugin>verinfoex.btm %_cmdspec,310
310:Legal trademarks:Take Command is a trademark of JP Software Inc.

The Attribute: 310
The File:      Legal trademarks
The Result:    Take Command is a trademark of JP Software Inc.

Please feel free to run some tests with the VerInfoEx command,
and see if it returns the info you need.


EDIT: Note that the file name must include the complete path,
even if you are in the folder where the file resides.

Example: If I am in the R:\ folder, and it contains the file readme.txt,
R:\>verinfoex %_cwd\readme.txt,1 
1:Size:2.22 KB


  • 20230906.7z
    20.1 KB · Views: 78
Last edited:
How many extended file properties (attributes) are there in a file?

I think that it depends on the type of file.

11 = Kind

On an .MP3 file, it returns Music.

On %_cmdspec, it returns Program.

311 seems to be the highest number that returns info.

Anything higher returns nothing.

I'll let you know when I learn otherwise.

Hi @Charles G;
Please find attached the updated ActiveScript plugin,
which contains the VerInfoEx command.

The VerInfoEx command is not finished,
but it allows one to provide a file and an attribute on the command line,
and returns the value of the attribute.

Note that VerInfoEx will work with any file,
not just .EXE files.

@echo off
iff not plugin ActiveScript then
  echo ActiveScript Plugin is required.

iff not isplugin VerInfoEx then
  echo The ActiveScript plugin does not contain the VerInfoEx command.
  plugin /i ActiveScript

iff %# eq 2 then
  set VerInfoEx=%{verinfoex %1,%2}
  echo Arg1=%1
  echo Arg2=%2
  set VerInfoEx=%{verinfoex %_cmdspec,310}

echo %VerInfoEx
set theAttribute=%@word[":",0,%VerInfoEx]
set theFile=%@word[":",1,%VerInfoEx]
set theResult=%@word[":",2,%VerInfoEx]

echo The Attribute: %theAttribute
echo The File:      %theFile
echo The Result:    %theResult


Sample run;
E:\...\plugin>verinfoex.btm %_cmdspec,310
310:Legal trademarks:Take Command is a trademark of JP Software Inc.

The Attribute: 310
The File:      Legal trademarks
The Result:    Take Command is a trademark of JP Software Inc.

Please feel free to run some tests with the VerInfoEx command,
and see if it returns the info you need.


EDIT: Note that the file name must include the complete path,
even if you are in the folder where the file resides.

Example: If I am in the R:\ folder, and it contains the file readme.txt,
R:\>verinfoex %_cwd\readme.txt,1
1:Size:2.22 KB

How do i get a copy of the ActiveScript plugin - or is that the contents of the y7Z file hereu=in ?
Post #12 contains the attachment 20230906.7z

It contains the following;
E:\...\plugin>7zip /v 20230906.7z
2023-09-06  11:01         56,320 ActiveScript.dll
2023-09-06  10:54          2,282 readme.txt

The field 9 Attribute is the Perceived File Type.

According to Microsoft, the default perceived types are as follows:

  • Folder
  • Text
  • Image
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Compressed
  • Document
  • System
  • Application
  • Gamemedia
  • Contacts
  • Addition
Using VerInfoEx returns the following;
E:\...\Twitter>verinfoex %_cwd\20230113_180817.jpg,9
9:Perceived type: Image

verinfoex %_cwd\Register2022.xlsm,9
9:Perceived type: Document

verinfoex %_cwd\Lana Del Rey - Doin’ Time (Official Video).mp4,9
9:Perceived type: Video

verinfoex %_cwd\TRNSCTNS.DBF,9
9:Perceived type: Unspecified

verinfoex %_cwd\gotmail.mp3,9
9:Perceived type: Audio

I'm posting this mainly for my future reference, but others may also be interested.

There are 321 fields, numbered 0 to 320, according to this Microsoft article.
  0 Name
  1 Size
  2 Item type
  3 Date modified
  4 Date created
  5 Date accessed
  6 Attributes
  7 Offline status
  8 Availability
  9 Perceived type
 10 Owner
 11 Kind
 12 Date taken
 13 Contributing artists
 14 Album
 15 Year
 16 Genre
 17 Conductors
 18 Tags
 19 Rating
 20 Authors
 21 Title
 22 Subject
 23 Categories
 25 Copyright
 26 #
 27 Length
 28 Bit rate
 29 Protected
 30 Camera model
 31 Dimensions
 32 Camera maker
 33 Company
 34 File description
 35 Masters keywords
 36 Masters keywords
 42 Program name
 43 Duration
 44 Is online
 45 Is recurring
 46 Location
 47 Optional attendee addresses
 48 Optional attendees
 49 Organizer address
 50 Organizer name
 51 Reminder time
 52 Required attendee addresses
 53 Required attendees
 54 Resources
 55 Meeting status
 56 Free/busy status
 57 Total size
 58 Account name
 60 Task status
 61 Computer
 62 Anniversary
 63 Assistant's name
 64 Assistant's phone
 65 Birthday
 66 Business address
 67 Business city
 68 Business country/region
 69 Business P.O. box
 70 Business postal code
 71 Business state or province
 72 Business street
 73 Business fax
 74 Business home page
 75 Business phone
 76 Callback number
 77 Car phone
 78 Children
 79 Company main phone
 80 Department
 81 E-mail address
 82 E-mail2
 83 E-mail3
 84 E-mail list
 85 E-mail display name
 86 File as
 87 First name
 88 Full name
 89 Gender
 90 Given name
 91 Hobbies
 92 Home address
 93 Home city
 94 Home country/region
 95 Home P.O. box
 96 Home postal code
 97 Home state or province
 98 Home street
 99 Home fax
100 Home phone
101 IM addresses
102 Initials
103 Job title
104 Label
105 Last name
106 Mailing address
107 Middle name
108 Cell phone
109 Nickname
110 Office location
111 Other address
112 Other city
113 Other country/region
114 Other P.O. box
115 Other postal code
116 Other state or province
117 Other street
118 Pager
119 Personal title
120 City
121 Country/region
122 P.O. box
123 Postal code
124 State or province
125 Street
126 Primary e-mail
127 Primary phone
128 Profession
129 Spouse/Partner
130 Suffix
131 TTY/TTD phone
132 Telex
133 Webpage
134 Content status
135 Content type
136 Date acquired
137 Date archived
138 Date completed
139 Device category
140 Connected
141 Discovery method
142 Friendly name
143 Local computer
144 Manufacturer
145 Model
146 Paired
147 Classification
148 Status
149 Status
150 Client ID
151 Contributors
152 Content created
153 Last printed
154 Date last saved
155 Division
156 Document ID
157 Pages
158 Slides
159 Total editing time
160 Word count
161 Due date
162 End date
163 File count
164 File extension
165 Filename
166 File version
167 Flag color
168 Flag status
169 Space free
172 Group
173 Sharing type
174 Bit depth
175 Horizontal resolution
176 Width
177 Vertical resolution
178 Height
179 Importance
180 Is attachment
181 Is deleted
182 Encryption status
183 Has flag
184 Is completed
185 Incomplete
186 Read status
187 Shared
188 Creators
189 Date
190 Folder name
191 Folder path
192 Folder
193 Participants
194 Path
195 By location
196 Type
197 Contact names
198 Entry type
199 Language
200 Date visited
201 Description
202 Link status
203 Link target
204 URL
208 Media created
209 Date released
210 Encoded by
211 Episode number
212 Producers
213 Publisher
214 Season number
215 Subtitle
216 User web URL
217 Writers
219 Attachments
220 Bcc addresses
221 Bcc
222 Cc addresses
223 Cc
224 Conversation ID
225 Date received
226 Date sent
227 From addresses
228 From
229 Has attachments
230 Sender address
231 Sender name
232 Store
233 To addresses
234 To do title
235 To
236 Mileage
237 Album artist
238 Sort album artist
239 Album ID
240 Sort album
241 Sort contributing artists
242 Beats-per-minute
243 Composers
244 Sort composer
245 Disc
246 Initial key
247 Part of a compilation
248 Mood
249 Part of set
250 Period
251 Color
252 Parental rating
253 Parental rating reason
254 Space used
255 EXIF version
256 Event
257 Exposure bias
258 Exposure program
259 Exposure time
260 F-stop
261 Flash mode
262 Focal length
263 35mm focal length
264 ISO speed
265 Lens maker
266 Lens model
267 Light source
268 Max aperture
269 Metering mode
270 Orientation
271 People
272 Program mode
273 Saturation
274 Subject distance
275 White balance
276 Priority
277 Project
278 Channel number
279 Episode name
280 Closed captioning
281 Rerun
282 SAP
283 Broadcast date
284 Program description
285 Recording time
286 Station call sign
287 Station name
288 Summary
289 Snippets
290 Auto summary
291 Relevance
292 File ownership
293 Sensitivity
294 Shared with
295 Sharing status
297 Product name
298 Product version
299 Support link
300 Source
301 Start date
302 Sharing
303 Availability status
304 Status
305 Billing information
306 Complete
307 Task owner
308 Sort title
309 Total file size
310 Legal trademarks
311 Video compression
312 Directors
313 Data rate
314 Frame height
315 Frame rate
316 Frame width
317 Spherical
318 Stereo
319 Video orientation
320 Total bitrate

Looking into the registry, it shows what the Kind (Attribute 11) is for each file extension.
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\KindMap /s |! ffields

.3ds                REG_SZ  picture               
.3fr                REG_SZ  picture               
.3g2                REG_SZ  video                 
.3gp                REG_SZ  video                 
.3gp2               REG_SZ  video                 
.3gpp               REG_SZ  video                 
.a11                REG_SZ  picture               
.aac                REG_SZ  music                 
.accountpicture-ms  REG_SZ  picture               
.ade                REG_SZ  document              
.adp                REG_SZ  document              
.adts               REG_SZ  music                 
.ai                 REG_SZ  picture               
.aif                REG_SZ  music                 
.aifc               REG_SZ  music                 
.aiff               REG_SZ  music                 
.amf                REG_SZ  music                 
.amr                REG_SZ  music                 
.ani                REG_SZ  picture               
.anm                REG_SZ  picture               
.ari                REG_SZ  picture               
.art                REG_SZ  picture               
.arw                REG_SZ  picture               
.asf                REG_SZ  video                 
.ass                REG_SZ  video                 
.asx                REG_SZ  video                 
.au                 REG_SZ  music                 
.avci               REG_SZ  picture               
.avcs               REG_SZ  picture               
.avi                REG_SZ  video                 
.avif               REG_SZ  picture               
.avifs              REG_SZ  picture               
.avm                REG_SZ  video                 
.awm                REG_SZ  video                 
.b&w                REG_SZ  picture               
.b1n                REG_SZ  picture               
.b8                 REG_SZ  picture               
.b_w                REG_SZ  picture               
.bat                REG_SZ  program               
.bay                REG_SZ  picture               
.bga                REG_SZ  picture               
.bit                REG_SZ  picture               
.bld                REG_SZ  picture               
.bm                 REG_SZ  picture               
.bmp                REG_SZ  picture               
.cap                REG_SZ  picture               
.cda                REG_SZ  music                 
.cdf                REG_SZ  picture               
.cdr                REG_SZ  picture               
.cgm                REG_SZ  picture               
.cmd                REG_SZ  program               
.cmp                REG_SZ  picture               
.cmv                REG_SZ  video                 
.com                REG_SZ  program               
.contact            REG_SZ  contact;communication 
.cps                REG_SZ  picture               
.cr2                REG_SZ  picture               
.cr3                REG_SZ  picture               
.crw                REG_SZ  picture               
.csv                REG_SZ  document              
.cvs                REG_SZ  picture               
.dcr                REG_SZ  picture               
.dcs                REG_SZ  picture               
.dcx                REG_SZ  picture               
.dfs                REG_SZ  music                 
.dib                REG_SZ  picture               
.dip                REG_SZ  picture               
.dkb                REG_SZ  picture               
.dng                REG_SZ  picture               
.doc                REG_SZ  document              
.dot                REG_SZ  document              
.drf                REG_SZ  picture               
.dss                REG_SZ  music                 
.dvi                REG_SZ  document              
.dvr-ms             REG_SZ  recordedtv            
.dw2                REG_SZ  picture               
.dwg                REG_SZ  picture               
.eip                REG_SZ  picture               
.emf                REG_SZ  picture               
.eml                REG_SZ  email;communication   
.eps                REG_SZ  picture               
.erf                REG_SZ  picture               
.exe                REG_SZ  program               
.far                REG_SZ  music                 
.fff                REG_SZ  picture               
.fh3                REG_SZ  picture               
.fh4                REG_SZ  picture               
.fit                REG_SZ  picture               
.flac               REG_SZ  music                 
.flc                REG_SZ  picture               
.fli                REG_SZ  picture               
.gcd                REG_SZ  picture               
.gif                REG_SZ  picture               
.gl                 REG_SZ  picture               
.group              REG_SZ  contact               
.gsd                REG_SZ  picture               
.heic               REG_SZ  picture               
.heics              REG_SZ  picture               
.heif               REG_SZ  picture               
.heifs              REG_SZ  picture               
.hif                REG_SZ  picture               
.hrf                REG_SZ  picture               
.hs2                REG_SZ  picture               
.hsi                REG_SZ  picture               
.hta                REG_SZ  program               
.htm                REG_SZ  document              
.html               REG_SZ  document              
.iax                REG_SZ  picture               
.ica                REG_SZ  picture               
.icb                REG_SZ  picture               
.ico                REG_SZ  picture               
.ics                REG_SZ  calendar;communication
.idx                REG_SZ  video                 
.iiq                REG_SZ  picture               
.ivf                REG_SZ  video                 
.jas                REG_SZ  picture               
.jff                REG_SZ  picture               
.jfif               REG_SZ  picture               
.jif                REG_SZ  picture               
.jnt                REG_SZ  document              
.jpc                REG_SZ  picture               
.jpe                REG_SZ  picture               
.jpeg               REG_SZ  picture               
.jpg                REG_SZ  picture               
.jtf                REG_SZ  picture               
.jxr                REG_SZ  picture               
.k25                REG_SZ  picture               
.kdc                REG_SZ  picture               
.latex              REG_SZ  document              
.lbm                REG_SZ  picture               
.lnk                REG_SZ  link                  
.m1v                REG_SZ  video                 
.m2t                REG_SZ  video                 
.m2ts               REG_SZ  video                 
.m3u                REG_SZ  music;playlist        
.m4a                REG_SZ  music                 
.m4p                REG_SZ  music                 
.m4v                REG_SZ  video                 
.mdb                REG_SZ  document              
.mde                REG_SZ  document              
.mef                REG_SZ  picture               
.mht                REG_SZ  document              
.mhtml              REG_SZ  document              
.mid                REG_SZ  music                 
.midi               REG_SZ  music                 
.mk3d               REG_SZ  video                 
.mka                REG_SZ  music                 
.mkv                REG_SZ  video                 
.mmm                REG_SZ  video                 
.mny                REG_SZ  document              
.mos                REG_SZ  picture               
.mov                REG_SZ  video                 
.mp2                REG_SZ  music                 
.mp2v               REG_SZ  video                 
.mp3                REG_SZ  music                 
.mp4                REG_SZ  video                 
.mp4v               REG_SZ  video                 
.mpa                REG_SZ  video                 
.mpc                REG_SZ  document              
.mpd                REG_SZ  document              
.mpe                REG_SZ  video                 
.mpeg               REG_SZ  video                 
.mpg                REG_SZ  video                 
.mpp                REG_SZ  document              
.mpt                REG_SZ  picture               
.mpv2               REG_SZ  video                 
.mpx                REG_SZ  document              
.mrw                REG_SZ  picture               
.msg                REG_SZ  email;communication   
.msi                REG_SZ  program               
.msp                REG_SZ  program               
.mts                REG_SZ  video                 
.mus                REG_SZ  music                 
.mwf                REG_SZ  video                 
.nc                 REG_SZ  picture               
.nef                REG_SZ  picture               
.neo                REG_SZ  picture               
.nrw                REG_SZ  picture               
.nws                REG_SZ  email;communication   
.okt                REG_SZ  music                 
.one                REG_SZ  document              
.orf                REG_SZ  picture               
.ori                REG_SZ  picture               
.p16                REG_SZ  music                 
.pct                REG_SZ  picture               
.pcx                REG_SZ  picture               
.pda                REG_SZ  picture               
.pdd                REG_SZ  picture               
.pdf                REG_SZ  document              
.pds                REG_SZ  picture               
.pef                REG_SZ  picture               
.pgm                REG_SZ  picture               
.pic                REG_SZ  picture               
.pif                REG_SZ  program               
.pix                REG_SZ  picture               
.pm                 REG_SZ  document              
.pm5                REG_SZ  document              
.png                REG_SZ  picture               
.pot                REG_SZ  document              
.ppm                REG_SZ  picture               
.pps                REG_SZ  document              
.ppt                REG_SZ  document              
.ppz                REG_SZ  document              
.ps                 REG_SZ  document              
.psd                REG_SZ  picture               
.pse                REG_SZ  picture               
.psm                REG_SZ  music                 
.pt5                REG_SZ  document              
.ptx                REG_SZ  picture               
.pxn                REG_SZ  picture               
.qdv                REG_SZ  picture               
.qt                 REG_SZ  video                 
.ra                 REG_SZ  music                 
.raf                REG_SZ  picture               
.ram                REG_SZ  music                 
.raw                REG_SZ  picture               
.reg                REG_SZ  program               
.rgb                REG_SZ  picture               
.rif                REG_SZ  picture               
.rip                REG_SZ  picture               
.rix                REG_SZ  picture               
.rl4                REG_SZ  picture               
.rl8                REG_SZ  picture               
.rle                REG_SZ  picture               
.rmi                REG_SZ  music                 
.rtf                REG_SZ  document              
.rtx                REG_SZ  document              
.rw2                REG_SZ  picture               
.rwl                REG_SZ  picture               
.s3m                REG_SZ  music                 
.scr                REG_SZ  program               
.search-ms          REG_SZ  searchfolder          
.sg1                REG_SZ  picture               
.snd                REG_SZ  music                 
.sng                REG_SZ  music                 
.sr2                REG_SZ  picture               
.srf                REG_SZ  picture               
.srt                REG_SZ  video                 
.srw                REG_SZ  picture               
.ssa                REG_SZ  video                 
.stm                REG_SZ  music                 
.sub                REG_SZ  video                 
.tex                REG_SZ  document              
.text               REG_SZ  document              
.tif                REG_SZ  picture               
.tiff               REG_SZ  picture               
.ts                 REG_SZ  video                 
.tsv                REG_SZ  document              
.ttml               REG_SZ  video                 
.tts                REG_SZ  video                 
.txt                REG_SZ  document              
.ult                REG_SZ  music                 
.url                REG_SZ  link                  
.uw                 REG_SZ  music                 
.van                REG_SZ  picture               
.vbe                REG_SZ  program               
.vbs                REG_SZ  program               
.vbx                REG_SZ  program               
.vcard              REG_SZ  contact;communication 
.vcf                REG_SZ  contact;communication 
.vcs                REG_SZ  calendar;communication
.vda                REG_SZ  picture               
.vdr                REG_SZ  picture               
.vdx                REG_SZ  document              
.voc                REG_SZ  music                 
.vsd                REG_SZ  document              
.vsl                REG_SZ  document              
.vss                REG_SZ  document              
.vst                REG_SZ  document              
.vsw                REG_SZ  document              
.vsx                REG_SZ  document              
.vtt                REG_SZ  video                 
.vtx                REG_SZ  document              
.vue                REG_SZ  video                 
.wav                REG_SZ  music                 
.wax                REG_SZ  music                 
.wdp                REG_SZ  picture               
.webp               REG_SZ  picture               
.wks                REG_SZ  document              
.wm                 REG_SZ  video                 
.wma                REG_SZ  music                 
.wmf                REG_SZ  picture               
.wmv                REG_SZ  video                 
.wmx                REG_SZ  video                 
.wp                 REG_SZ  document              
.wp5                REG_SZ  document              
.wp6                REG_SZ  document              
.wpd                REG_SZ  document              
.wpl                REG_SZ  music;playlist        
.wri                REG_SZ  document              
.wtx                REG_SZ  document              
.wvx                REG_SZ  video                 
.x3f                REG_SZ  picture               
.xbm                REG_SZ  picture               
.xif                REG_SZ  picture               
.xlb                REG_SZ  document              
.xlc                REG_SZ  document              
.xll                REG_SZ  document              
.xlm                REG_SZ  document              
.xls                REG_SZ  document              
.xlw                REG_SZ  document              
.xm                 REG_SZ  music                 
.xmi                REG_SZ  music                 
.xml                REG_SZ  document              
.xpm                REG_SZ  picture               
.zpl                REG_SZ  music;playlist        
.docx               REG_SZ  Document              
.docm               REG_SZ  Document              
.dotx               REG_SZ  Document              
.dotm               REG_SZ  Document              
.odt                REG_SZ  Document              
.pptx               REG_SZ  Document              
.ppsx               REG_SZ  Document              
.pptm               REG_SZ  Document              
.ppsm               REG_SZ  Document              
.potx               REG_SZ  Document              
.potm               REG_SZ  Document              
.sldx               REG_SZ  Document              
.sldm               REG_SZ  Document              
.odp                REG_SZ  Document              
.xltx               REG_SZ  Document              
.xltm               REG_SZ  Document              
.xlsx               REG_SZ  Document              
.xlsm               REG_SZ  Document              
.xlsb               REG_SZ  Document              
.ods                REG_SZ  Document              
.svg                REG_SZ  Picture

I'm posting this mainly for my future reference, but others may also be interested.


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