When using COPY to copy files to a ftp server, national characters used in european languages seems to be stripped from the file name; I guess this is not as intended. (TCC 12.01.44) Is there a workaround, or will there be a fix soon?
See attached example with a file with the name:
"Test æøåüäéÆØÅÜÄÉ.txt"
When drag-n-drop is used in Windows (2008 and 7) to the same ftp server, there is not this problem, the file keeps its original name.
The banner of the ftp server where this is seen is:
"220 Serv-U FTP Server v7.4 ready..."
See attached example with a file with the name:
"Test æøåüäéÆØÅÜÄÉ.txt"
When drag-n-drop is used in Windows (2008 and 7) to the same ftp server, there is not this problem, the file keeps its original name.
The banner of the ftp server where this is seen is:
"220 Serv-U FTP Server v7.4 ready..."