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News Take Command v14 Public Beta

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Staff member
The Take Command v14.0 public beta is now available at:

http://jpsoft.com/downloads/v14/tcmdx64.exe (64-bit)

Here's a brief preview of the new features. The major new command is TPIPE, which includes hundreds of options for filtering, sorting, and replacing text. (You can see the full feature list for v14 in the "What's New in Version 14" section of the online help.)

Feature List:

Take Command now supports a splitter window (on the horizontal scrollbar). You must enable "Splitter Windows" in the Take Command configuration dialog (Tabs window), and restart TCMD to see the splitter. (Note that it is technically impossible to display splitter console windows, so TCMD is using a lot of hand-waving, smoke, and mirrors.) The splitter window (on the right side) will not automatically scroll to the end when new output is displayed, or when you enter new commands. This allows you to scroll back in the screen buffer to review previous commands and output, and to select text from previous pages.

The Internet code has been substantially rewritten and ported to a new major update of the IPWorks dll's.

Alt-F9 will restore the original filename mask when doing filename completion. This will only work provided you haven't terminated the completion loop; i.e., by pressing anything other than tab, F8, F9, F10, or F12.

Alt-F6 will no longer open the Folder View and List View windows if they're disabled; it will toggle between the Command Input window and the active tab window.

Added a "Register for all users" option (checkbox on the register page). This option will only be enabled if you are running an elevated administrator session in Windows 7 or Vista.

There will not be a TCC/LE 14.0.

INI Directives:

CompleteAllFiles=yes|NO - Normally, TCC will only complete directories and executable files (as defined by PATHEXT) when you press Tab or F9 at the beginning of a command line. If CompleteAllFiles is set to YES, TCC will complete any matching filename. Note that if you also have CompletePaths set, you'll probably have several hundred (or thousand!) matches for any filename you enter.

SplitterWindows=NO|yes - If YES, Take Command will display a horizontal scrollbar with a splitter in each tab window.

Internal Variables:

_SERIALPORTS - Returns a space-delimited list of all of the available serial ports (COM1 - COMn).

Variable Functions:

@FILES[/H filename] - Don't count "." or ".."

@REREPLACE[ source_re, target_re, source ] - Regular expression back reference replacement.

@SERIALPORTCLOSE[ n ] - Close the serial port.

@SERIALPORTFLUSH[ n ] - Flush the contents of the serial port buffer.

@SERIALPORTOPEN[COMn[, baud[, parity[, bits[, flow]]]]] - Open a serial port for read & write.

@SERIALPORTOPEN returns a handle to the serial port, which must be passed to the other serial port functions.

@SERIALPORTREAD[ n ] - Reads a string from the serial port. "n" is the handle returned by @SERIALPORTOPEN.

@SERIALPORTWRITE[ n, text ] - Writes a string to the serial port.

@SMCLOSE[ n ] - Close a shared memory handle.

@SMOPEN[ size, name ] - Open a handle to shared memory

@SMPEEK[handle,offset,size] - Read a value from shared memory.

@SMPOKE[handle,offset,size,value] : Write a value to shared memory

@SMREAD[ n, offset, type, length ] - Read a string from shared memory

@TRIMALL[string] - Remove leading and trailing spaces and tabs, and extra internal spaces and tabs.

Updated Commands:


If you don't specify any arguments, COPY will display the command dialog.​
Added support for regular expression back references in the target name. If you are using back references, you must use a regular expression in the source name.​


If you don't specify any arguments, DEL will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, DESCRIBE will display the command dialog.​


/C - copy the value from another variable / alias / function.​


If you don't specify any arguments, GLOBAL will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, JABBER will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, MD will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, MKLINK will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, MKLNK will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, MOVE will display the command dialog.​
Added support for regular expression back references in the target name. If you are using back references, you must use a regular expression in the source name.​


Now supports multiple nested *'s in a @ function specification.​


If you don't specify any arguments, PLAYSOUND will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, RD will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, REN will display the command dialog.​
Added support for regular expression back references in the target name. If you are using back references, you must use a regular expression in the source name.​


If you don't specify any arguments, SELECT will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, SENDHTML will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, SENDMAIL will display the command dialog.​


/RO var=value - set a read-only variable. Once you've set the variable, you cannot change it (or unset it). Only environment variables can be read-only (not registry variables or array variables).​


/R filename arrayname - read a file into a (1-dimensional) array. (SETARRAY will determine the required size of the array.)​


/Desktop=desktopname - specify the desktop where you want to start the application.​
/TABNA - start a new Take Command tab window, but keep the current tab active.​


If you don't specify any arguments, SYNC will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, TAR will display the command dialog.​


Accepts an optional command to run. This is the equivalent of "timer on & command & timer off".​


If you don't specify any arguments, TOUCH will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, UNTAR will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, UNZIP will display the command dialog.​


If you don't specify any arguments, ZIP will display the command dialog.​

New Commands:


Monitors the OutputDebugString API call from any process.​


Create a new desktop or switch to an existing desktop.​


Change the resolution (and optionally the color depth and refresh frequency) of the specified display.​


Text filtering and substitution. You can specify multiple filters, which are processed in the order they appear on the command line.​
The syntax is:​
TPIPE [/input=filename] [/output=filename] [/filter=filename] [/unicode=input,output] [/save=filename] [/simple=n] [/eol=input,output,length] [/line=start,increment,skipblank,dontnumberblank,format] [/insert=position,type,string] [/head=Exclude,LinesOrBytes,Count] [/tail=Exclude,LinesOrBytes,Count] [/number=type,value] [/string=type,string] [/file=type,filename] [/sort=Sort,Reverse,RemoveDuplicates,StartColumn,Length] [/dup=RemoveDuplicateLines,IgnoreCase,StartColumn,Length,IncludeOne] [/comment=text] [/log=LogFileName] [/run=InputFileName,OutputFileName,"CommandLine"] [/merge=type,filename] [/split=type,SplitSize,SplitChar,SplitCharPos,SplitCharCount,SplitLines,SplitFilename ] [/grep=Type,IncludeLineNumbers,IncludeFilename,IgnoreCase,CountMatches,UTF8,PatternType,Pattern] [/replace=Type,MatchCase,WholeWord,CaseReplace,PromptOnReplace,Extract,FirstOnly,SkipPromptIdentical,Action,SearchStr,ReplaceStr] [/xml=Type,IncludeText,IncludeQuotes,MatchCase,BufferSize,Tag,Attribute,EndTag]

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