The ASCII escape sequences for colorizing the prompt are not recognized immediately upon starting of take command (tcmd.exe). The prompt command is set in tcstart.bat:
prompt $e[30;1m$u@%computername%$e[0m:$e[33;1m$p$g$e[0m
When tcmd.exe starts it shows:
no colors - just the ascii codes. Then I hit enter once and it shows the prompt in the correct colors.
This does not happen when I start tcc.exe
This happens both in 31 and 32.
I have tried moving the prompt command to the beginning and end of tcstart.btm as well as only having the prompt command in the file but it has no effect. It's a mild annoyance but would be nice if it could be fixed.
prompt $e[30;1m$u@%computername%$e[0m:$e[33;1m$p$g$e[0m
When tcmd.exe starts it shows:
no colors - just the ascii codes. Then I hit enter once and it shows the prompt in the correct colors.
This does not happen when I start tcc.exe
This happens both in 31 and 32.
I have tried moving the prompt command to the beginning and end of tcstart.btm as well as only having the prompt command in the file but it has no effect. It's a mild annoyance but would be nice if it could be fixed.