dir /s /b *,,* > a.a
[C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD31]plugiN /I FIXNAMES
Module: c:\TCMD\Plugins\fixnames\FixNames.dll
Name: FixNames
Author: Charles Dye
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://prospero.unm.edu/plugins/fixnames.html
Description: Renames filenames containing troublesome characters
Implements: fixnames
Version: 0.40 Build 0
[C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD31]fixnames /?
Rename files to remove troublesome characters.
FIXNAMES /A /B /C /D /E /N /P /Q:list /R:list /S filespec...
/A replace Ampersands with underscores
/B replace Blanks with underscores
/C replace parentheses with underscores
/D rename Directories, not files
/E decode =XX hex pairs
/N Not really
/P Prompt before each
/Q: list of characters to replace
/R: replacement characters; use with /Q:
/S recurse into Subdirectories
Use wildcards to match the difficult characters. Note that you
do not supply a “new” or replacement filename; the plugin
generates its own. These new names can then be changed with
REN, if desired.
ren start BTM
for %fn in (@ZZ_DoneSorted.txt) gosub Dofile
iff %@index["%fn",^,] GT 0 THEN
echo On: %fn
set nLoop=1
do until not isfile "%fn"
iff not isfile "c:\ZZ_DoneSorted\%@upper[%@ext[%fn]]_%@format[04,%nLoop]\%@filename[%fn]" then
move /md /r "%fn" "c:\ZZ_DoneSorted\%@upper[%@ext[%fn]]_%@format[04,%nLoop]\"
set /a nLoop=nLoop+1
ren end BTM