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Purpose:Create or update .gz (GZIP) archives


Format:GZIP [/= /A:[[-][+]rhsdaecjot] /A /En /Ln /M /O:[-]acdeginorstuz /Q /V] gziparchive [@file] file


gziparchiveThe gzip file to work with
fileThe files to be added to the gzip file



See also UNGZIP.


File Completion Syntax:


The default filename completion syntax is: [1] dirs gz [2*] *


File Selection


Supports attribute switches, extended wildcards, ranges, multiple file names, and include lists.




GZIP is compatible with the archives created by the Linux / UNIX gzip utility, and supports RFC 1952. GZIP is normally used for compressing a single file. If you need to compress multiple files, you should use the ZIP or TAR commands.


You can specify a pathname for gziparchive. If you don't provide an extension, and the filename as entered doesn't exist, GZIP adds ".gz". If you don't specify an operation, GZIP will default to Add.




/A:...Select only those files that have the specified attribute(s) set. See Attribute Switches for information on the attributes which can follow /A:. Do not use /A: with @file lists. See @file lists for details.


You can specify /A:= to display a dialog to help you set individual attributes.


/AAdd the specified file to the archive. (This is the default.)


/EnSet the compression method (0=deflate, 1=lzw). The default is 0.


/LnSet the compression level (1 - 6, where 6=maximum compression). The default is 4.


/MDelete the file from the disk after adding them to the gzip file.


/O:...Sort the files before processing.


You may use any combination of the sorting options below. If multiple options are used, the files will be sorted with the first sort option as the primary key, the next as the secondary key, and so on:


nSort by filename and extension, unless e is explicitly included. This is the default.
-Reverse the sort order for the next sort key
aSort names and extensions in standard ASCII order, instead of numerically when numeric substrings are included in the name or extension.
cSort by compression ratio
dSort by date and time (oldest first); also see /T:acw
eSort by extension
gGroup subdirectories first, then files
iSort by description
oSort by owner
rReverse the sort order for all options
sSort by size
tSame as d
zSame as s


/QDon't display the file being compressed.


/VView the contents of the .gz file (date, time, and filename). If the file was compressed with lzw, it will not have a header, so it cannot be viewed.


/=Display the GZIP command dialog to help you set the filename and command line options. The /= option can be anywhere on the line; additional options will set the appropriate fields in the command dialog.