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Take Command 22.0:





Take Command is using new version of Advanced Installer.



Take Command:


We have made additional changes to Take Command to make it harder to attack with malware.


There are hundreds of minor tweaks to the layout, icons, menus, and themes.


Take Command is compatible with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.

Take Command is using an updated version of the GUI framework.


Take Command is using  an updated version of the Scintilla edit control (for the IDE / batch debugger and the Take Command Command Input window).


Take Command is using an updated version of the Onigmo regular expression library.


Added four new themes to Take Command:


Office 2016 White

Office 2016 Colorful

Office 2016 Gray

Office 2016 Black


The default Take Command theme is now Office 2016 White.


Added auto complete for the edit controls and combo boxes that take (existing) file and directory names.


Added Python and Emacs syntax options to regular expressions (both the regular expression analyzer and the Take Command configuration dialog).


If launched from Take Command (Tools / View Errors), the Lookuperrors.exe app will center itself in the TCMD window.


The Regular Expression Analyzer now lets you select the regular expression syntax you want to test (Perl, Python, Ruby, Gnu, etc.).


The Command Input window now supports screen readers.


Take Command tabs and toolbars now use ClearType for cleaner text.


TCMDBatch.btm now automatically starts a session elevated so it can change the file associations.


Take Command 22 has a fix for a longstanding Windows bug that would cause the occasional "AttachConsole" popup error when starting a new tab.


TCMDBatch.btm now has a /U (uninstall) option to revert the .BAT and .CMD associations to CMD.EXE.


ANSI X3.64 performance has been improved, and there are additional options:


<ESC>]4;...BELChange color(s)
<ESC>]104;...BELReset color(s)
<ESC>8Restore cursor
<ESC>7Save cursor
<ESC>[?5WSet tab at every 8 columns
<ESC>[?5;#WSet tab at every # columns
<ESC>[4hInsert mode
<ESC>[4lOverstrike mode
<ESC>[#SScroll up
<ESC>[#TScroll down
<ESC>[attr1;mLike 30-37 and 40-47, but if attr1 is 90-97, bold foreground. If attr1 is 100-107, bright background
<ESC>ENext line
<ESC>HHorizontal tab set
<ESC>MReverse index





We have made additional changes to TCC to make it harder to attack with malware.


TCC is compatible with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.


TCC is using updated versions of the internet libraries (FTP, FTPS, SFTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, etc.).


TCC is using updated versions of the compression libraries (ZIP, 7ZIP, TAR, etc.).


TCC is using  an updated version of the Onigmo regular expression library.


Removed the limits on batch file (and library function, see below) nesting. Now the only limit is your RAM.


The Regular Expression Analyzer (Ctrl-F7) now lets you select the regular expression syntax you want to test (Perl, Python, Ruby, Gnu, etc.).


Added Python and Emacs syntax options to regular expressions (both the regular expression analyzer and the OPTION dialog).


The internal embedded Python support has been updated to include 3.6.3.


Tcl/tk support has been updated to 8.6.6.


Updated Regina REXX support


Updated ooREXX support


Added auto complete for the edit controls and combo boxes that take (existing) file and directory names.


Added support for the m<&n syntax from CMD (for example, "2<&1"). (I don't know of any instance where this would actually be useful, but there are some Windows batch files created by Linux developers that use it.)




Variable indirection now supports array names (for example, %[var[3]]).


Added the conditional expression IsBatch (like IsAlias) for use in IF / IFF / etc.


Many of the internal TCC commands now have a default file completion format (borrowing from the DWIM parser) that will return the valid arguments for that command & position on the command line.


The FileCompletion .INI directive and environment variable supports three new types:






FileCompletion also supports a new position syntax:


[n]        Only match the following extensions if the argument number is equal to n

[*n]        Only match the following extensions if the argument number is less than or equal to n

[n*]        Only match the following extensions if the argument number is greater than or equal to n

[/x]        Only match the specified switch. A matching switch argument will not increase the argument value.


For example, the default ZIP file completion syntax looks like this:


zip:[1] dirs zip [2*] *


TCC has a new startup option:


/IL - don't load the default library functions (from the Library folder).


The numeric expression parser (@EVAL and all of the other functions and commands that use it) now supports up to 2,147,483,647 digits in Windows 64. Windows x86 will be far less; the actual value will be dependent on the amount of RAM and the other active processes.


TCCBatch.btm now automatically starts a session elevated so it can change the file associations.


TCCBatch.btm now has a /U (uninstall) option to revert the .BAT and .CMD associations to CMD.EXE.


ANSI X3.64 performance has been improved, and there are additional options:


<ESC>]4;...BELChange color(s)
<ESC>]104;...BELReset color(s)
<ESC>8Restore cursor
<ESC>7Save cursor
<ESC>[?5WSet tab at every 8 columns
<ESC>[?5;#WSet tab at every # columns
<ESC>[4hInsert mode
<ESC>[4lOverstrike mode
<ESC>[#SScroll up
<ESC>[#TScroll down
<ESC>[attr1;mLike 30-37 and 40-47, but if attr1 is 90-97, bold foreground. If attr1 is 100-107, bright background.
<ESC>ENext line
<ESC>HHorizontal tab set
<ESC>MReverse index



IDE / Batch Debugger:


There are hundreds of minor tweaks to the layout, icons, menus, and themes (particularly the dark themes).


IDE is using a new version of the Scintilla edit control for the IDE / batch debugger window.


There is a new Tools menu with three commands:


Regular Expression Analyzer

Lookup Windows Errors

Character Map


The debugger will automatically save & reload watch lists (*.watch).


The debugger will automatically save & reload bookmarks (*.bmark).


The debugger will automatically save & reload breakpoints (*.bp).


The debugger edit windows now support screen readers.


The debugger tabs now use ClearType for cleaner text.





The v22 help is built with a new version of the help compiler (Help & Manual).


The help has been expanded with more examples, tutorials, and key words.  



INI Directives:


ANSIWin10=YES|no - Now supported in Take Command as well as TCC. If ANSIWin10=no, Take Command will use its internal ANSI support instead of the Windows 10 console ANSI.


LibraryDirectory=pathname        - The path to search for library function files. The default is Library in the TCC installation directory.



Command Line Editing:


F1 now ignores leading * and ( and @.


Ctrl-F1 ignores leading * and ( and @.


Alt-F2 ignores leading * and ( and @ when using command dialog help popup.


Scroll between recent directories (in the directory history) with Shift-PgUp / Shift-PgDn.


F5 will display the file browse dialog.


Alt-F5 will display the folder browse dialog.



Updated Variables Functions:


@EVAL - supports up to 2,147,483,647 digits in Windows x64.


@FILEREADB - optional third parameter to specify the output format:


[,h]        Output is 2-digit hex (00 - FF)

[,x]        Output is 0x00 - 0xFF





@SHA512        The first parameter determines whether the output is in upper or lower case:

         s or f - lower case

         S or F - upper case


@WORD[n-,string] - return all words from the nth one to the end of the line





Added VS 2015 and VS 2017 support.



Updated Commands:




The default filename completion syntax is [1] dirs 7z [2*] *




The default filename completion syntax is [1] dirs 7z [2*] *




The default filename completion syntax is [/r] * [1] aliases [2*] *




The default filename completion syntax is btm bat cmd dirs




The default filename completion syntax is [1] dirs btm bat cmd [2*]




The default filename completion syntax is [1] dirs bz2 [2*] *




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion syntax is [1] * [2*] dirs




/Cn dir - Convert descriptions between DESCRIPT.ION and the NTFS file summary formats. The argument following /Cn is the start directory; DESCRIBE will convert the descriptions in that directory and all of its subdirectories.


/C0 - convert descriptions from NTFS to DESCRIPT.ION

/C1 - convert descriptions from DESCRIPT.ION to NTFS


/R - Remove the old description after converting (only valid when used with /Cn)


/W - Description editor dialog for easily creating / editing / deleting descriptions.




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion syntax is [/a] dirs [/r] * [1*] dirs




The default filename completion is dirs




DO supports large numbers (64-bit integers) for its counters.




The default filename completion is [/a] aliases [/f] functions [1*] variables




The default filename completion syntax is [/s] dirs [/c] dirs [1*] *




The default filename completion syntax is [/r] * [1] functions [2*] *




The default filename completion is [1] dirs btm cmd bat [2*] *


If you append a * to the last variable name in the parameter list on the label line, it will be "greedy", and all remaining variables will be assigned to it. For example:


gosub sub1 one two three four five


:sub1 [arg1 arg2 arg3*]


arg3 will be assigned "three four five".




The default filename completion syntax is [1] dirs gz [2*] *




INKEY now accepts the /C option with no additional arguments to clear the keyboard buffer.




/Lx[:y] - x specifies the maximum length, and y specifies the minimum length.




The default filename completion syntax is [1] dirs jar [2*] *




Supports hex input with a leading x or 0x.


If launched from Take Command (Tools / View Errors), the Lookuperrors.exe app will center itself in the TCMD window.




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion is dirs


/M - reset the PATH variable to the original value when TCC was started.




/Wn - wait for n seconds and then continue with the next command if the user didn't press Enter.




/HL - show hard links


/NF - suppress the bytes free from the footer


/NH - suppress the header


/NL - don't display link name for symbolic links


/NS - suppress the footer


/NV - suppress the volume label from the header


/Q - display the owner name




The default filename completion is avi *




The default filename completion is dirs dll




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion is [1] dirs ps1 [2*] *




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion is dirs




/B text - Block shutdown / reboots. The system will display the "text" in the popup explaining the reason for blocking the shutdown.




/T - prefix key names with the time stamp of their last change.




The default filename completion is [/r] * [1] variables [2*] *


/M var - reset the var variable to the original value when TCC was started.




The GLOBALLISTS option will prevent SETLOCAL from switching to local aliases during the SETLOCAL duration.


SETLOCAL will now save the SETDOS /F settings.




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion is [1] dirs tar [2*] *




/C - turn off the timer on a Ctrl-C.




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion is [/r] * [1*] aliases




The default filename completion is [1] dirs bz2 [2] dirs




The default filename completion is [/r] * [1*] functions




The default filename completion is [1] dirs gz [2] dirs




The default filename completion is [1] dirs jar [2*] *




The default filename completion is dirs




The default filename completion is [/r] * [1*] variables




The default filename completion syntax is [1] dirs tar [2*] *




The default filename completion syntax is [1] dirs zip [2*] *




Now supports user-defined functions.




The default filename completion syntax is [1] dirs zip [2*] *




The default filename completion syntax is [1] dirs exe [2*] dirs



New Commands:




LIBRARY will load / display / delete library functions, which are similar to batch files but which are loaded into RAM and can be called as if they are internal commands. The syntax is:


LIBRARY [/D func /F [func] /P /R file /U]


/DDelete a function (the function name can contain wildcards)
/FDisplay the loaded (matching) functions (the function name can contain wildcards)
/PPause after each page when displaying functions
/RRead a function file
/UUpdate function (otherwise you will get an error when loading a function that already exists).


Library functions act like batch files that are always available in memory. Library functions are read from files, with the syntax:


functionname {






When TCC starts, it will automatically load any library function files in the LIBRARY subdirectory of the TCC installation directory. You can have any number of functions in a file.


If you do not specify any switches, LIBRARY will display the library function names that match the command line argument(s). If you do not specify any arguments, LIBRARY will display all of the library function names.


Library functions can contain aliases, internal or external commands, batch files, or other library functions.


The TCC parser will look for a matching library function name before looking for plugins, internal commands, external commands, or batch files.




Display or set environment variables in another process.  The syntax is:


SETP pid [/P /R filename] var[=value]


pidProcess ID, or the window title, or the task name
varThe variable name to set. If you are displaying matching variables, the name can contain wildcards.
valueThe value of the variable


/PPause after displaying each page
/RRead variables and values from a file




Change the Take Command font from TCC. The syntax is:


TCFONT "fontname" [height [weight]]


fontnameFont name (for example, "consolas" or "lucida console")
heightFont height (defaults to 10)
weightFont weight (defaults to 400)


200Extra light        
800Extra bold




Delete environment variables in another process.  The syntax is:


UNSETP pid [/R filename][(except...)] var


pidProcess ID, or the window title, or the task name
varThe variable name to delete. The name can contain wildcards


/RRead variables and values from a file


You can delete all matching variables except for those specified by enclosing the exceptions in parentheses. For example, to remove all variables beginning with "v" except for var1 and var2:


unsetp (var1 var2) v*