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Escape-character issue...

I<works><works^><works^><works^^><works><works><works><doesn't work^=""> know this is inconvenient, but I can not get this web site to accept caret, less than, or greater than symbols in the posting itself so the question is in the attached text file...



I<WORKS><WORKS^><WORKS^><WORKS^^><WORKS><WORKS><WORKS><DOESN'T work^=""> know this is inconvenient, but I can not get this web site to accept caret, less than, or greater than symbols in the posting itself so the question is in the attached text file...


You need to double your escape characters. The function is getting expanded twice, once during variable expansion and once in ECHO.

Or, you could use SETDOS to disable redirection.
---- Original Message ----
From: mathewsdw
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, 2011. March 29. 23:54
Subject: [Support-t-2734] Escape-character issue...

| I know this is inconvenient, but I can not get this web site to
| accept caret, less than, or greater than symbols in the posting
| itself so the question is in the attached text file...

For some reason no attachment information was included in the emailed version of this post. Based on Rex' reply I presume the issue is related to using special characters, such as greater than ">" or less than "<" characters in your data. Did you look into Charles Dye's SAFECHARS.DLL? For most purposes it solves the problem!
HTH, Steve
Solution to your posting problem, not your original problem.

I<works><works^><works^><works^^><works><works><works><doesn't work^=""> know this is inconvenient, but I can not get this web site to accept caret, less than, or greater than symbols in the posting itself so the question is in the attached text file...


The easy way...
When you have issues with the < and > symbols in the forums, wrap your message in the
tags. When you use the < and > symbols directly surrounding some text (no space between), the forum software thinks you are trying to embed HTML code and strips it out. Adding the
 tags around the code will tell the forum "I want to show everything I'm typing; I'm not trying to be sneaky."

The hard way...
Replace your special characters with their corresponding HTML character entities. For instance...
< &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &amp;lt;
> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &amp;gt;
& &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &amp;amp;

Here's a cheat sheet... "http://blog.acodingfool.com/cheatsheets/html-character-entities-cheatsheet/"
In response to the OP's issue:

When you deal with fixed text, using the TEXT / ENDTEXT commands allows you to include absolutely any character. It is the simplest way to display special characters which would otherwise have syntactical meaning to TCC.

In response to the problem of POSTING including characters that have special meaning in HTML: my earlier post in this thread was made by the email portal, and I did nothing special to get special characters posted...
On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 11:23:42 -0400, Steve Fabian <> wrote:

|In response to the OP's issue:
|When you deal with fixed text, using the TEXT / ENDTEXT commands allows you to include absolutely any character. It is the simplest way to display special characters which would otherwise have syntactical meaning to TCC.
|In response to the problem of POSTING including characters that have special meaning in HTML: my earlier post in this thread was made by the email portal, and I did nothing special to get special characters posted...

When I'm posting from Agent, I manually surround sensitive stuff with
. That seems to work OK.
On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 11:56:42 -0400, vefatica <> wrote:

|On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 11:23:42 -0400, Steve Fabian <> wrote:
||In response to the OP's issue:
||When you deal with fixed text, using the TEXT / ENDTEXT commands allows you to include absolutely any character. It is the simplest way to display special characters which would otherwise have syntactical meaning to TCC.
||In response to the problem of POSTING including characters that have special meaning in HTML: my earlier post in this thread was made by the email portal, and I did nothing special to get special characters posted...
|When I'm posting from Agent, I manually surround sensitive stuff with
| and
|. That seems to work OK.

See how well it works! :-)

That is, I surround it with

left-bracket "CODE" right-bracket


left-bracket forward-slash "CODE" right-bracket.
I did nothing special to get special characters posted...
Correct, however your < and > characters were not surrounding text without intervening spaces, e.g. "&lt;text&gt;" (I hardcoded this as "&amp;lt;text&amp;gt;"). Your text was as follows.
I presume the issue is related to using special characters, such as greater than ">" or less than "<" characters in your data.
With the < and > characters separated, the forum parser does not consider it to be HTML code and allows it to pass.
When I'm posting from Agent, I manually surround sensitive stuff with
. That seems to work OK.
It works beautifully, however there are issues using
 vs. [HTML]. Compare the following two posts of the same screen paying particular attention to the directories.

 Volume in drive C is unlabeled      Serial number is 58b8:a853
 Directory of  C:\test\*

 3/30/2011  12:20         <DIR>    .
 3/30/2011  12:20         <DIR>    ..
 3/30/2011  12:20         <DIR>    directory1
 3/30/2011  12:20         <DIR>    directory2
 3/30/2011  12:20         <DIR>    directory3
 3/30/2011  12:20              13  file1
 3/30/2011  12:20              13  file2
 3/30/2011  12:20              13  file3
                39 bytes in 3 files and 5 dirs    12,288 bytes allocated
    42,395,115,520 bytes free


 Volume in drive C is unlabeled      Serial number is 58b8:a853
 Directory of  C:\test\*

 3/30/2011  12:20         <DIR>    .
 3/30/2011  12:20         <DIR>    ..
 3/30/2011  12:20         <DIR>    directory1
 3/30/2011  12:20         <DIR>    directory2
 3/30/2011  12:20         <DIR>    directory3
 3/30/2011  12:20              13  file1
 3/30/2011  12:20              13  file2
 3/30/2011  12:20              13  file3
                39 bytes in 3 files and 5 dirs    12,288 bytes allocated
    42,395,115,520 bytes free

Hope this helps.