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error installing new build of v31

going to IHOP for a late luch then whne I get back I'll restore the TCMD folders and the HKCU TCMD and then do the copy ftp and see what happens once al lis said and done
What's your point? I thought you removed the subkeys for TCMD.

Try moving all the files in TCMD.EXE's and TCC.EXE's home directory to a safe place and then try to install again.
@vefatica I did that and still get the same error. I had a thought here. v31 is the only JPsoft product I have opn my PC - what if I removed all keys in all hives that related to JPSoft , TCMD and thne ran a registy cleaner then tried the install?
Are you still getting this error?


Rex ought to be able to tell us what causes that error message. You can try deleting more registry keys, but I thought that if it's really a Windows Installer issue, all keys relating to f518f6ed-cea1-433f-be6c-6dba08f8dfd0 would be enough.

Have you looked in TaskManager to make sure some JPSoft app isn't running when you're trying to uninstall it?
@vefatica the results for the 2 regfind's are attached....

I guess I'd also like to confirm with someone else that the 38 char is the same for them as it is for us..... please


More speculation ...

If you have removed many {F518...} keys, hoping to convince Windows that TCMD/TCC is not installed, you may have succeeded. But there's also "Advanced Installer" which, I believe, is Rex's interface to the Windows installer, allowing for the custom installations which we have. Advanced Installer may think the product is still installed and ask the Windows installer to remove it (which would fail).

If you've removed some {F518...} keys, did you also remove these?

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\Installs\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0}
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\LZMA\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0}

There's also "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer". I don't know what that's all about.

Note, the HKLM Caphyon keys seem to have a history of every major\minor version installed. I have TCMD 24~31 installed and 163 subkeys in "hklm\software\caphyon\Advanced Installer\installs"!
I honestly don't know what any of those are. Suggest you back up those registry keys before laying waste.
I have no idea what the "AppListBackup" and "MATS" keys are (do you have a third-party backup program?). As for the others, my guess is YES. @Charles Dye's suggestion (back them up) sounds good.
Yes, it's the same.

Y'know, it probably wouldn't be difficult to add a /G option to the INSTALLED command to report GUIDs. Or to filter on them.
Y'know, it probably wouldn't be difficult to add a /G option to the INSTALLED command to report GUIDs. Or to filter on them.

You could probably do that yourself with built-in tools but it would be a small PITA.

regdir /s1 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products will give a list of key names. Each of those keys has a "Product Name" value.

The difficulty would be matching those key names with product GUIDs. Here are two examples of keyname/GUID pairs. The first pair is TCMD31. The matching is pretty obvious (reversal of various substrings) but, as I said, a small PITA to program.

key:  DE6F815F1AECF334EBC6D6AB808FFD0D

key:  FFA92E5191BCB02AA9180B67A53611F5
GUID: 15E29AFF-CB19-A20B-9A81-B0765A63115F

I wonder why MS does that!
wojuld either of you be nice and make a REG file I can import and it would delete the necessary keys?

Why does the 2nd regfind command start each line with an astrick?
wojuld either of you be nice and make a REG file I can import and it would delete the necessary keys?

Why does the 2nd regfind command start each line with an astrick?
If you mean these

regfind all /D F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0 & regfind all /K F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0

they both do it.
You could probably do that yourself with built-in tools but it would be a small PITA.

I actually did that with a BTM. For example,

v:\> keynametoguid.btm DE6F815F1AECF334EBC6D6AB808FFD0D
Prod: Take Command 31
Key:  DE6F815F1AECF334EBC6D6AB808FFD0D

When I wrap it up in do x in /p regdir /s1 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products I get 237 products. INSTALLED gives only 75. I wonder where INSTALLED gets its information.


@vefatica the 2nd regfind does - the first one DOES NOT.

so how can I botjh backup and then remove the keys from the results of regfind?
Here's part of the first. I asked for data and the data in the "ProductIcon" value has an asterisk.

v:\> regfind all /D F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0
  (SZ) ProductIcon

Here's part of the second. I asked keys and the key name has an asterisk.

v:\> regfind all /K F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0
*HKLM\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\Installs\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0}

It's the same in the Found.reg.txt you posted.

so how can I botjh backup and then remove the keys from the results of regfind?
I don't think you can. What's the matter with REGEDIT? ... select the key, right click, export ... select the key, right click, delete.

At this point, with the
I guess I was wrong about that. Windows's REG.EXE will do it easily. Syntax:

REG export keyname filename
REG delete keyname

You have already deleted the Installer ones, right? At this point I think the only important ones are those in the Caphyon keys.

These four commands worked here. The files will go into the current directory (or you could give a path). The delete ones give a give a cautionary Yes/No prompt. Restore by double-clicking on the reg-file, tested (or use REG RESTORE KeyName FileName, untested)

reg export "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\Installs\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0}" caphyon-installs.reg
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\Installs\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0}"

reg export "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\LZMA\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0}" caphyon-lzma.reg
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\LZMA\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0}"

c:\users\vefatica\desktop> reg export "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\Installs\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0}"
The operation completed successfully.

c:\users\vefatica\desktop> reg export "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\LZMA\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0}" cap
The operation completed successfully.

c:\users\vefatica\desktop> reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\Installs\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0}"

Permanently delete the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\Installs\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0} (Yes/No)? yes
The operation completed successfully.

c:\users\vefatica\desktop> reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\LZMA\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0}"
Permanently delete the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\LZMA\{F518F6ED-CEA1-433F-BE6C-6DBA08F8DFD0} (Yes/No)? yes
The operation completed successfully.
Wrong again! Restore them like this (reg import instead of reg restore.

c:\users\vefatica\desktop> reg import caphyon-lzma.reg
The operation completed successfully.

c:\users\vefatica\desktop> reg import caphyon-installs.reg
The operation completed successfully.
@vefatica said : You have already deleted the Installer ones, right? At this point I think the only important ones are those in the Caphyon keys.

No I have not removed any keys

the 4 commands above worked fine....
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