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Changing folders location from TCC prompt?

Is it possible to change the currently selected folder location (in TC9) from the current TCC prompt? Often when I'm working in a TCC window I might, for example, want to drag a short-cut to the from the current TCC directory to the desktop, and to do so I need to manually locate the current TCC working directory in the folders view. It would be much simpler if it was possible to focus the folders view to the current TCC working directory by issuing some simple command in TCC.

If this feature doesn't exist yet, this question becomes a new feature suggestion. :)

On Mon, 07 Jul 2008 20:17:17 -0500, you wrote:

>Is it possible to change the currently selected folder location (in TC9) from the current TCC prompt? Often when I'm working in a TCC window I might, for example, want to drag a short-cut to the from the current TCC directory to the desktop, and to do so I need to manually locate the current TCC working directory in the folders view. It would be much simpler if it was possible to focus the folders view to the current TCC working directory by issuing some simple command in TCC.

See the /T and /TO options for CDD.
On Mon, 07 Jul 2008 21:03:42 -0500, you wrote:

>---Quote (Originally by vefatica)---
>See the /T and /TO options for CDD.
>---End Quote---

>Excellent! Thanks! I created a following alias that does the trick using the /TO option.
That sounds like one that would be used often. How about a keystroke alias,

alias @@ctrl-t cdd /to .
That sounds like one that would be used often. How about a keystroke alias, maybe

alias @@ctrl-t cdd /to .
Indeed! It's cool to get the product do something faster, better again after having used it on and off (in some form, 4DOS, etc..) for over 15 years.

Talking about hotkeys, I've been adding global keyboard macros to my workstation recently with AutoHotkey (an excellent, free, open source utility) that can even redefine system hotkeys (such as Win-F), do string expansion, etc.
Continuing this almost three years old thread I started, I have a follow-up question: how about the other way around? In other words, is there an easy way to change the current TCC working directory within a Take Command instance based on the current folder selection in Folders or List View window? Dragging a folder from either view to the TCC prompt produces the URL to the selection in quotes, so by preceding it with 'cdd' will of course take the prompt working directory there, but is there a shorter way (a way to assign a hotkey, a mouse-click option, etc)?

Now using TC 11.0.48..
Continuing this almost three years old thread I started, I have a follow-up question: how about the other way around? In other words, is there an easy way to change the current TCC working directory within a Take Command instance based on the current folder selection in Folders or List View window? Dragging a folder from either view to the TCC prompt produces the URL to the selection in quotes, so by preceding it with 'cdd' will of course take the prompt working directory there, but is there a shorter way (a way to assign a hotkey, a mouse-click option, etc)?

Now using TC 11.0.48..

alias there=`if "%_tcfolder" ne "" cdd "%_tcfolder"`

Of course, you could map it to a keystroke alias for an even quicker trip.