1) Can I combine the config options for both TCMD and TCC in the same file?
2) What happens if the file doesn't exist, as for using OPTION or the menus?
3) I did shortcut as you said:
Directory=C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\
Description=Execute Take Command v9.02.157
Link=Take Command 9.02.lnk
then opened the link, then Options, Configure Take Command, selected Complete Hidden Files, then Apply then OK. typed EXIT at the TCC prompt to close TCMD/TCC. then opened the shortcut again and the Complete hidden files was NOT selected. checked for any TCMD_v9.ini on either C or D and none were located. Not sure what is going on.
----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Fábián
[email protected]
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2010 05:05 PM
Subject: RE: [Support-t-1971] Re: location of .ini file
| Hello and happy July 4th Weekend
| anyway - I still can't figure out the INI file location
| ========= begin paste
| Take Command 8.02.106 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
| Copyright 1988-2007 Rex Conn & JP Software Inc. All Rights Reserved
| Registered to Charles S. Galloway - 5 System License
| [C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD9]echo %_ININAME
| D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v8.ini
| [C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD9]list c:\Batch\UpdateLinks.btm
| [C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD9]shortcut "%USERPROFILE%\Application
| Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Take Command
| 8.02.lnk"
| Command=C:\PROGRA~1\JPSoft\TCMD8\tcmd.exe
| Arguments=/@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v8.ini
| Directory=C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\
| Description=Execute Take Command v8.02.106
| Link=C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\Application
| Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Take Command 8.02.lnk
| IconOffset=0
| Mode=1
| Hotkey
| [C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD9]ver /r
| Take Command 8.02.106 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
| Take Command Build 106 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3
| Registered to Charles S. Galloway - 5 System License
| [C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD9]
| ========= end paste
| That works wonderfully, even echo %_ININAME returns what I beieve is
| the correct location in my case. But how do I set up TCMD (the
| shell) to use a custom TCMD_v9.ini in D:\TakeCommand\INIs\ and have
| TCC (the 4NT replacement) use TCC_v9.ini in D:\TakeCommand\INIs\ ?
| Once I figure out how to do v9 then I assume 10 thru the current one
| will not be any differnt except the version number.
I presume you want to set up:
1/ A desktop or quick launch shortcut to start the GUI (explorer-like)
TCMD.EXE (V9) with a specific TCMD_v9.ini, which in turn opens a
TTC.EXE (V9) tab using the specific TCC_V9.ini. The shortcut file
below would do the first part:
Directory=C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\
Description=Start Take Command v9.02.157
Link=C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\Application
Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\TCMD 9.02.157.lnk
Once you have done that, you open TCMD, and use its pull-down menu
option to set up your tabs. In one of the tabs you put the command
C:\PROGRA~1\JPSoft\TCMD9\tcc.exe /@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v9.ini
2/ Another shortcut to start TCC.EXE v9 with the specific TCC_V9.ini.
Directory=C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\
Description=Start TCC v9.02.157
Link=C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\Application
Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\TCC 9.02.157.lnk
Note: I operate in WinXP. I have shortcuts for different versions of
TCC and TCMD on the user desktop, most of which have a hotkey,
allowing me to start the particular version from the keyboard. All of
my hotkeys use alt-ctrl-shift as modifiers, since I have never come
across any program that uses all three of the modifiers. BTW, hotkeys
to TCC instances also restore a current instance started with the
hotkey instead of starting an additional instance (except on rare
occasion), even if the instance was running in "full screen" mode.
HTH, Steve