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SignUp Now!I am trying to run an elevated console (cmd or tcc) in a tab, either by attach'ing or by "run /elevated /tab".
Neither work.
Is it possible, if so how ?
Is there way to run a tab or start UNelevated.
I could then run TCMD as Administrator, run normal tabs unelevated and when needed run an elevated tab.
Would this work?
I am trying to run an elevated console (cmd or tcc) in a tab, either by attach'ing or by "run /elevated /tab".
Neither work.
Is it possible, if so how ?
start /elevated "%_cmdspec"
IF "%_ELEVATED" == "1" PROMPT $e[1;37;5;41m$e[K## ELEVATED as %_WINUSER ##$_$e[1;32m[$P]