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Take Command IDE/Debugger has stopped working

On Friday I downloaded the Take Command 30 day Trial (Version 13.03.38) specifically to check out the IDE and Debugger for use with batch files.

When I launche the IDE/Debugger usinge any of the following;
  • IDE {MyBatcFileName}
  • BDebugger {MyBatcFileName}
  • BDebugger {MyBatcFileName} {Param1} {Param2}
I can move around the editor as well as make and save changes. But as soon as I try to start the debugger, via the menu or pressing <F5> I receive a windows dialog box with the following;
<Begin Dialog>
[Window Title]
Take Command IDE/Debugger
[Main Instruction]
Take Command IDE/Debugger has stopped working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.
[Close program]​
<End Dialog>
In each case above the Batch Parameters tab of the IDE/Debugger is empty.
I have tried removing then re-installing as well as doing a repair from the installer with no change in the symptoms.
Today I downloaded the Take Command 30 day Trial (Version 12.11.76) and the IDE/Debugger works as expected.
I have tried this on 2 different PCs, first is Windows 7 Enterprise w/SP1; second is Windows 7 Enterprise (No Service Pack Installed).
Any direction in how to get this working would be appreciated.
I've tried several batch files with both Take Command and Take Command x64, and I cannot reproduce any problem.

Are you having the problem with a specific file, or all batch files?

It would help to get the full details of the Windows error dialog, particularly the crash address. Also, (if it is the 32-bit version) a crash in the Take Command debugger will create a GPF file in the \users\yourname\local\appdata\jpsoft director. If you have that, please post it here or email it to [email protected].
Short Answer:
Deleting the Registry values seems to have resolved the issues.

Longer answer to questions above:

Q:Are you using the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of Take Command?
A:both host are running 32 bit Windows 7 Enterprise.

Q:Are you having the problem with a specific file, or all batch files?
A:All Batch Files

IQ:It would help to get the full details of the Windows error dialog, particularly the crash address
A:This is the content coppied from the dialog.
<Begin Dialog>
[Window Title]
Take Command IDE/Debugger
[Main Instruction]
Take Command IDE/Debugger has stopped working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.
[Close program]
<End Dialog>
The 'Close program' button is the only button, there are no other details.

Q: Contents of the TCMD.GPF file from 2 consecutive runs.

TCC 13.03.38
EAX=01ABF738 EBX=00000000 ECX=EC7D8900 EDX=01ABF768
ESI=0049002D EDI=0305B950 EBP=01ABF71C ESP=01ABF708
CS=0000001B DS=00000023 ES=00000023 SS=00000023
1 : IDE.EXE 0001:00005307
2 : IDE.EXE 0001:0015f879
3 : IDE.EXE 0001:0000d56d

TCC 13.03.38
EAX=01ABF738 EBX=00000000 ECX=00000000 EDX=01ABF768
ESI=00D1DFC3 EDI=030D2910 EBP=01ABF71C ESP=01ABF708
CS=0000001B DS=00000023 ES=00000023 SS=00000023
1 : IDE.EXE 0001:00005305
2 : IDE.EXE 0001:0015f879
3 : IDE.EXE 0001:0000d56d

Thanks, for the suggestions.
According to the gpf file, the crash was occurring in Microsoft's code when retrieving the contents of the batch arguments combo box (on the debugger toolbar). If your registry entries were damaged or overwritten, the toolbar (whose structure is saved in the registry) would be prone to a variety of failures.

Let me know if it recurs.