Is this WAD, or is this a bug? I'm having trouble piping the console output of a command/file to the console input of SENDMAIL
Anytime I try to take @CON: as the text for SENDMAIL, it wants me to type from the keyboard at that point, rather than taking the text that's being piped to it.
Mark E.
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>alias sendmail
*sendmail /ssl=2
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>sendmail "[email protected]" "Test 1" This is test #1
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>echo This one worked as expected
This one worked as expected
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>echo Trying to pipe console output to console input of SENDMAIL
Trying to pipe console output to console input of SENDMAIL
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>dir
Volume in drive D is DATA Serial number is c008:8942
Directory of D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest\*
12/05/2022 10:14 <DIR> .
12/05/2022 10:14 <DIR> ..
0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs
225,415,217,152 bytes free
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>echo foo > test.txt
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>echo bar >> test.txt
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>type test.txt
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>type test.txt | sort
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>echo Sort command takes output of TYPE and uses it as input to SORT, just as I expected
Sort command takes output of TYPE and uses it as input to SORT, just as I expected
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>echo Now to pipe into SENDMAIL
Now to pipe into SENDMAIL
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>type test.txt | sendmail "[email protected]" "Test 2" @con:
This is not successful.
Have to put CTRL-Z to end
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>echo SENDMAIL did not take the contents of test.txt and instead wanted me to type text on the keyboard and terminate with CTRL-Z
SENDMAIL did not take the contents of test.txt and instead wanted me to type text on the keyboard and terminate with CTRL-Z
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>echo stupid | sendmail "[email protected]" "Final Test" @con:
This is really stupid!
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>echo Piping the output of another command into SENDMAIL doesn't seem to work either
Piping the output of another command into SENDMAIL doesn't seem to work either
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>ver /r
TCC 28.02.18 x64 Windows 10 [Version 10.0.19045.2251]
TCC Build 18 Windows 10 Build 19045
Registered to MARK6-WIN10
[100%] D:\Users\Mark\Documents\test 4\PipingTest>
Anytime I try to take @CON: as the text for SENDMAIL, it wants me to type from the keyboard at that point, rather than taking the text that's being piped to it.
Mark E.