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TCC 11.0 vs 4NT copy and paste

I just upgraded to TCC 11 from 4NT and I have noticed a few differences that are really bugging me in the way copy and paste works.

1. In 4NT, I can use the mouse to create any size box I want over the text I want to copy. Essentially column type selection. TCC doesn't do this. Is there a way to make it do this?

2. When I copy a selection of text from the TCC window, all the carriage returns are dropped. When I paste the line of text, I get one big long line that I have to edit and put all the returns back in. Is there a way to fix that?

3. In 4NT, after marking some text, I can just hit enter to copy it. In TCC, I have to hit Cntl Ins. Is there a way to use enter like 4NT does?

> I just upgraded to TCC 11 from 4NT and I have noticed a few differences
> that are really bugging me in the way copy and paste works.

See the help topic "Highlighting and Copying Text".

I presume you're running TCC in a Take Command tab window. (If you're in a
standalone TCC window, all of the cut & paste operations are the same as

> 1. In 4NT, I can use the mouse to create any size box I want over the
> text I want to copy. Essentially column type selection. TCC doesn't do
> this. Is there a way to make it do this?

Hold down the Ctrl key while dragging the mouse.

> 2. When I copy a selection of text from the TCC window, all the
> carriage returns are dropped. When I paste the line of text, I get one
> big long line that I have to edit and put all the returns back in. Is
> there a way to fix that?

Take Command will not append the lines unless you hold down the Ctrl key
while selecting Copy or Paste.

> 3. In 4NT, after marking some text, I can just hit enter to copy it. In
> TCC, I have to hit Cntl Ins. Is there a way to use enter like 4NT does?

No. But you can use Linux-style selection, which will copy the text when
you release the left mouse button.