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TCC debugger throws message on end of attrib

Even a simple "attrib c:\temp\*.* /S /D" throws at the end :

"TCC: (Sys) Es sind keine weiteren Dateien vorhanden."

How can I get rid of this meesage (in debug mode it is irritationg)?

Thanks - Michael
See help with ...
attrib /?
It should be: "/E (Keine Fehlermeldungen)" ...
attrib /E /S /D c:\temp\*.*
Yeah that's clear for me - but: Why don't I see this message if I start the same attrib-command directly within a DOD-Command-Bos?

Thanks - Michael
IMHO It could be because you run CMDs within TCC.

You can ensure with the following directive (in TCMD.INI) that CMDs run NOT within TCC:


Maybe you have also to ensure that .cmd suffix is not associated with tcc.exe.
"CMDBatch=Yes" in TCMD.INI (section [TakeCommand]) results in "Invalid item-name 'CMDBatch=Yes' !?

.cmd and .bat suffixe associated with "Windows standard":
assoc .bat: .bat=batfile
assoc .cmd: .cmd=cmdfile

And still the question: Why did it work with v24?

Thanks - Michael
Write it under Section [4NT] in Tcmd.ini ... without quotation marks ...

Does is still work with v24? Maybe there has changed something in Windows? Or then CMDBatch=Yes was active ... else I have no idea ...


PS: It's also not clear which version you use NOW ... except a version > 24 ... at least here it seems it works flawlessly with current v28 build.
Thanks and sorry I did no carefully enough looked into TC-documentation.

I had to create section [4NT]: Is that correct?

With this setting the attrib messages disappeared (for me it also worked with 1>NUL 2>NUL).

Should I stay with this setting in general? My goal for using TC is "only" debugging a large batch-based-script system which also is distributed to customers who don't have TC.

I use current v28 build.

With "CMDBatch=Yes" set in TCMD.INI I cannot debug any more (no break at breakpoints) which is my main gooal for using TC. Thus this setting is no solution für my "attribute -problem".

But: I can live with with 1>NUL 2>NUL.

Strange: My installation two dasy ago steps were:
  • Installation of v28 from fresh download with no additional step with v24 installed
  • Deinstallation of v24 (system control | proframs and features)
Sould I re-download and re-install?

Thanks - Michael
After MY clean install of v28 and configure within TCMD, I had a TCMD.ini like the attached one (added only the lines "
"ShowSuperHidden=Yes" and " "CMDBatch=Yes" manually:

So, it COULD make sense to reinstall to ensure that all is okay. However, it's difficult to say from here ...


Thanks! What does "configure within TCMD" mean? Perhaps this configuration creates the [4NT]-section.

Additionally: My main problem with "CMDBatch=Yes" set in TCMD.INI is: I cannot debug any more (no break at breakpoints) which is my main gooal for using TC. Thus this setting is no solution für my "attribute -problem". Don't you need/use debugging?

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I looked into TakeCommand documentation stating:

TCMD.INI File Sections

The TCMD.INI file has a number of sections. Each section is identified by the section name in square brackets on a line by itself. Take Command stores the user-defined options in [TakeCommand]; TCC stores its user-defined options in [4NT].

This lets me believe that the [4NT]section will only be created on user defined options and thus my installation [without [4NT]-section) seems to be correct.

"Configure within TCMD" just means that I configured TCMD and TCC options with menu "Optionen" after I installed TCMD. And yes, could be that this then created the [4NT]-Section. I don't know.

About the problem with "no break at brekpoints": yes, same behaviour here. I rarely use bdebugger and then probably with .btm files only. Thanks for pointing that out.

PS: I think that is a side effect of "CMDBatch=Yes" and WAD.
Thanks again.

Using BTM as basis seems to be a good solution, but: I have to deliver my batch-system to several customers. My understanding of TakeCommand is that all these customers would need a TakeComman installation if I delivered BTM-files to them?
My understanding of TakeCommand is that all these customers would need a TakeComman installation if I delivered BTM-files to them?
What about the free TCC-RT?

TCC-RT allows you to run TCC batch files without having to install (or pay for) the full Take Command or TCC on every system.
Thanks - did not know about this TCC_RT!

At first glance:

TCC-RT also does not support command dialogs, interactive command line input & editing, or the PRE_INPUT, PRE_EXEC, and POST_EXEC aliases. See README.TXT in the TCC-RT installation directory for more details on TCC-RT.

makes me thoughtful as I have dialogs in my system. I'll dive deeper into it.

If you want interactive command line input with TCC-RT, you could always create your own REPL.

Note that there is also a stand-alone debugger available for TCC-RT, CMDebug.

It is a product that must be purchased, but it does have a 30-Day trial version.

TCC-RT is a free fully functional run time version of TCC (Take Command Console), the console mode command processor included in our flagship product Take Command. ???

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