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Fixed v15 sendmail : password encryption problem

TCC 15.00.31 x64 Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
TCC Build 31 Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

The smtp password is encrypted and stored in tcmd.ini successfully but it appears that TCC is not decrypting the password correctly before logging onto the server:

1. Start TCC, in the option/internet tab enter smtp details including password and press OK
2. Send a test e-mail with sendmail - it works OK.
3. Examine tcmd.ini and the mail password can be seen to be encrypted.
4. Quit TCC and restart it so that TCMD.INI is read again
5. Send another e-mail - the send fails with error:
TCC: SMTP protocol error. 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful.
6. Quit TCC and manually edit tcmd.ini to replace the encrypted password with the clear text version
7. Start TCC and send an e-mail - it works OK.

So it would appear that TCC is not decrypting the password correctly (or perhaps not at all) when reading it from tcmd.ini

I have something similar with JABBER and server, username and password from the TCMD.INI. I get an attempt to connect using ip If I use the same info stored in the TCMD.INI on the command line using the command line options and data, it works.

I have something similar with JABBER and server, username and password from the TCMD.INI. I get an attempt to connect using ip If I use the same info stored in the TCMD.INI on the command line using the command line options and data, it works.

Also not reproducible here. Can you give me the exact info you're entering in OPTION (minus the password!) and the exact command line you're using?

(This cannot have anything to do with the password encryption, as the server name is not encrypted.)
I've been trying for two hours to reproduce this, but it's working perfectly for me.

Are you entering *all* of the SMTP fields?

The above steps are repeatable for me. There are values in all of the SMTP fields on the option/internet page, I set the port to 587 as that's what my mail provider requires. Auto SSL is not checked. I'm still using build 31 to check this, I will update to build 32 shortly and try again.
The above steps are repeatable for me. There are values in all of the SMTP fields on the option/internet page, I set the port to 587 as that's what my mail provider requires. Auto SSL is not checked. I'm still using build 31 to check this, I will update to build 32 shortly and try again.

I'm seeing the same problem with build 32. This is what I did

1. Ran the updater to install b32
2. Manually edited TCMD.INI so that the mail password is in clear text
3. Ran TCC, sent a test e-mail, it worked OK.
4. Entered mail password in option/internet tab, clicked OK, looked at TCMD.INI and mail password is now encrypted.
5. Sent a test e-mail, it worked OK
6. Quit TCC and restarted to force read of TCMD.INI
7. Sent a test e-mail, it failed with error
TCC: SMTP protocol error. 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful.

However, on further testing I have more information. I have run all tests to date on TCC in a TCMD tab. I tried using TCC standalone with the above steps and I can get it to work, the problem seems to be related to how the option dialogue is launched.

If I type OPTION at the command line, either standalone or in a TCMD tab, enter a mail password into the internet tab and examine TCMD.INI I see a specific encrypted string, and sendmail works OK. However, if I launch the option dialogue from the TCMD menu bar (Options/Configure TCC), enter *the same* mail password into the internet tab and examine TCMD.INI I see a *different* encrypted string, and sendmail fails as described above. I have checked the title bar of the option dialogue and the same TCMD.INI filename appears however it is launched.

Therefore it seems there's a problem with the encryption when the option dialogue is launched by TCMD and not a problem with the decryption. My workaround is therefore to make all settings by typing OPTION at the command line and avoid launching the dialogue from the TCMD menu bar.

Therefore it seems there's a problem with the encryption when the option dialogue is launched by TCMD and not a problem with the decryption. My workaround is therefore to make all settings by typing OPTION at the command line and avoid launching the dialogue from the TCMD menu bar.

WAD - choosing the TCC configuration dialog from TCMD does *not* affect any existing TCC sessions (and never has). You should also make sure that you are using the same TCMD.INI in both TCMD and TCC. (Compare the filename on the dialog title bar when invoking OPTION from the TCC command line and when invoking the TCC configuration from TCMD.)
WAD - choosing the TCC configuration dialog from TCMD does *not* affect any existing TCC sessions (and never has). You should also make sure that you are using the same TCMD.INI in both TCMD and TCC. (Compare the filename on the dialog title bar when invoking OPTION from the TCC command line and when invoking the TCC configuration from TCMD.)

Not sure I agree Rex. If you read my last post you will see that I said that TCMD and TCC are using the same tcmd.ini file. The issue is also not with *current* TCC sessions. If I update TCC options via the TCMD dialogue and tcmd.ini is updated, then surely the next TCC that starts should read that file and use the settings.

The problem I am seeing is that if I save a mail password via an option dialogue launched from the TCMD menu bar the encrypted string saved in TCMD.INI is wrong and will not work with all subsequently launched sessions of TCC.
From testing I have noticed that there is something wrong with the TCMD option Editor Dialog. After noticing this I tried to add new TAB information. Originally I called my first TAB, Primary, but after entering information for the second TAB and "Apply" and "OK", the new TAB information didn't show up in the TCMD.INI file, in fact the information for TAB 1 "Primary" disappeared.
One more thing, if I edit the TCMD.INI file with a text editor, thing seem to be okay, everything seem to show up in the Option Dialog, it isn't until I make a change that will ADD something new to the the TCMD.INI file things go bad. If I have a TAB 1 already in the TCMD.INI, I can edit it in the TCMD Option Editor Dialog and it seems to save okay, but if I add TAB 2 where there was no TAB 2 information all ready in the TCMD.INI file that is when things seem to disappear. If I use a text editor to put in TAB 2, I can edit it and save through the TCMD Option Editor Dialog without problems.
I am still having a problem with Jabber and the password from the TCMD.INI file. The if I was to use the following command line:

JABBER /B"MyBuddy" Test

I would get:

TCC: SASL authentication failed.

If I remove the encrypted jabber password from the TCMD.INI and replace it with the unencrypted text password in the TCMD.INI file it works.
I am still having a problem with Jabber and the password from the TCMD.INI file. The if I was to use the following command line:

JABBER /B"MyBuddy" Test

I would get:

TCC: SASL authentication failed.

If I remove the encrypted jabber password from the TCMD.INI and replace it with the unencrypted text password in the TCMD.INI file it works.

How are you invoking the OPTION dialogue to enter the jabber password? I found that for the sendmail password the resulting encrypted string is different when OPTION is launched from the command line to when it is started from the TCMD drop down menu (Options/Configure TCC), and I wonder if the same thing applies to the jabber password? In the case of sendmail it works correctly when the OPTION dialogue is launched by typing OPTION at the prompt.

How are you invoking the OPTION dialogue to enter the jabber password? I found that for the sendmail password the resulting encrypted string is different when OPTION is launched from the command line to when it is started from the TCMD drop down menu (Options/Configure TCC), and I wonder if the same thing applies to the jabber password? In the case of sendmail it works correctly when the OPTION dialogue is launched by typing OPTION at the prompt.

Yes, works for the OPTION from the command prompt but not the TCMD drop down.