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13.0.31 2 MKLINK TCC vs CMD issues

Two issues:
1. TCC MKLINK sets error level 1 while it should be 0. Bug?
2. TCC MKLINK without /D creates a folder link while it should be a file link for compatibility with CMD.
[C:\temp]ver & mkdir aaa

TCC LE  13.01.31   Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]

[C:\temp]mklink ttt aaa & echo %_?
Symbolic link created for ttt <<===>> aaa

[C:\temp]mklink uuu aaa || echo ERROR
Symbolic link created for uuu <<===>> aaa
  • right click ttt and select Properties; note Target Type = File Folder
  • help file says: /D Create a directory symbolic link. (The default is to create a file symbolic link.)
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2010 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\temp>mklink vvv aaa || echo ERROR
symbolic link created for vvv <<===>> aaa
  • right click vvv and select Properties; note Target Type = File
No, I didn't want a file link to a directory. And I didn't realize that creating one is a Microsoft bug. Maybe someone could actually use such a device.
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