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Another problem with renaming files...

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Background: I download files from an external site (that I have no control over) whose file names are constructed in a way that I absolutely hate! Among several issues is the fact that the file names contain underscores rather than blanks (i.e. This_is_a_sample_file_name.ext). Since I have gotten (and continue to get) a _lot_ of files from this site, I am trying to write a batch file that will rename them into a format that I don't absolutely despise automagically. (The complete set of renaming rules is well defined.) I was having problems with open parenthesis, but I got the solution from this site (Thanks again for that!). So the next problem is that I am unable to process file names that contain commas. (Specifically, %@Index[filename,_], for example, doesn't work if the file name contains comma(s). So the question is: is there a workaround of some kind for this problem? (I can't use the escape character ("^") in the file name variable because I am not building the original file names that I am trying to change.) Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!
For commas I would try %@replace[^,, ,%filename]. This would replace commas in
%filename with a blank.

I would rename the files first and then do your operations on them. A
*lot* of hassle can be avoided by various combinations of SETDOS /X. Look
up the help on SETDOS /X and see if that fixes your issue.

I created a strangely named file and was able to rename it using @REPLACE
to replace the commas with underscores.

[C:\Temp\foo] >"this,is,a(funky)_file"

[C:\Temp\foo] dir

Volume in drive C is unlabeled Serial number is 5013:eee9
Directory of C:\Temp\foo\*

6/18/2009 11:16 <DIR> .
6/18/2009 11:16 <DIR> ..
6/18/2009 11:16 0 this,is,a(funky)_file
0 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs
63,793,283,072 bytes free

[C:\Temp\foo] ren "this,is,a(funky)_file"
C:\Temp\foo\this,is,a(funky)_file -> C:\Temp\foo\this_is_a(funky)_file
1 file renamed

Here's another example:
for %f in (*) do ren "%f" %@replace[^,, ,"%f"]

I couldn't get delayed expansion to work properly. Rex or someone - can
you explain why this doesn't work?

[C:\Temp\foo] dir

Volume in drive C is unlabeled Serial number is 5013:eee9
Directory of C:\Temp\foo\*

6/18/2009 11:36 <DIR> .
6/18/2009 11:36 <DIR> ..
6/18/2009 11:35 0 this,is,a(funky)_file
0 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs
63,793,344,512 bytes free

[C:\Temp\foo] ren * %%@replace[^,,_,"*"]
C:\Temp\foo\this,is,a(funky)_file -> C:\Temp\foo\this,is,a(funky)_file]
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified.
TCC: (Sys) The system cannot find the file specified.
1 file renamed

[C:\Temp\foo] dir

Volume in drive C is unlabeled Serial number is 5013:eee9
Directory of C:\Temp\foo\*

6/18/2009 11:36 <DIR> .
6/18/2009 11:36 <DIR> ..
6/18/2009 11:35 0 this,is,a(funky)_file]
0 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs
63,793,340,416 bytes free

Notice the commas were not replaced and a close bracket was appended to
the name.


"[email protected]" <> wrote on 06/18/2009
01:44:26 AM:

> Background: I download files from an external site (that I have no
> control over) whose file names are constructed in a way that I
> absolutely *hate*! Among several issues is the fact that the file
> names contain underscores rather than blanks (i.e.
> This_is_a_sample_file_name.ext). Since I have gotten (and continue
> to get) a _lot_ of files from this site, I am *trying* to write a
> batch file that will rename them into a format that I *don't*
> absolutely despise automagically. (The complete set of renaming
> rules is well defined.) I *was* having problems with open
> parenthesis, but I got the solution from this site (Thanks again for
> that!). So the *next* problem is that I am unable to process file
> names that contain commas. (Specifically, %@Index[filename,_], for
> example, doesn't work if the file name contains comma(s). So the
> question is: is there a workaround of some kind for this problem?
> (I can't use the escape character ("^") in the file name variable
> because I am not !
> building the original file names that I am trying to change.)
> Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!
Thanks, guys! I changed the commas to question marks (which, as far as I know, can not appear in "valid" filenames) using the @Replace function as you suggested (I did not know the @Replace function even existed), and, when I was otherwise done manipulating the file names, I changed the question marks back to commas (I knew how to do that which is a good thing because @Replace doesn't seem to work in this instance...).
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