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Refuses to register

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I received my registration key, downloaded and installed LE ver.11, but when I try to use it, get the message that the trial version has expired; on entering the registration key, the message repeats and I get nowhere. Thank God I was smart enough to install alongside ver 10 at least...:)
What to do now?
Regards Emil Kucera
> I received my registration key, downloaded and installed LE ver.11, but
> when I try to use it, get the message that the trial version has
> expired; on entering the registration key, the message repeats and I
> get nowhere. Thank God I was smart enough to install alongside ver 10
> at least...:)
> What to do now?

Your system is probably blocking the COM registration of the

Go to the TCMD/LE installation directory, and type:

Regsvr32 islicense40.dll

It will display a messagebox saying it either succeeded or failed. If it
fails (which it probably will, given that it failed during installation),
try starting a CMD or TCC shell as an administrator, and repeat the process.
If that also fails, you'll have to find what app in your system is blocking
the registration, disable it, register, and reenable it.
Your system is probably blocking the COM registration of the

Go to the TCMD/LE installation directory, and type:

Regsvr32 islicense40.dll

It will display a messagebox saying it either succeeded or failed.

Ok, it succeeded, but now I get a message saying that the username / key combination is not valid. It gets me in but I can't register from within either. I got a reply from Operations in the meanwhileas well, saying as follows:
"I am not sure what the problem is. I see an order on 6/9/2009 for LE
v10. That is the last order I can see in the system.
Each version requires a new key. There is no automatic upgrade from
version to version unless you ordered in the last two months of a
release or have annual support."
Now, I got my version 10 licences in June, and I assume that that was why the ver.11 keys came into my mailbox. If I did not qualify, why did I receive a ver 11 licence in the first place, and if I do qualify, why is it not taking the keys I was sent? Here they are:

User Name: kucera - 1 System License
Take Command/LE Key: G076F-1D011-9E59D-05D30-E0C01-00000-00000G

Regards Emil
thanks for the e-mail and new registration key, all is well now.
Thanks for keeping up the TC, AND for being there for your users, rather than selling out to one of the big companies.
Best regards Emil Kucera
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