vefatica May 13,397 190 2019-01-24 #1 When I run this alias with build 34 on Win10 Code: tl is an alias : (tasklist |! u:\egrep -v -P "svchost|Total|^$" |! u:\sort -f -b --key=2,2 |! tee %temp\tl.tmp & echo ----& echo %@lines[%temp\tl.tmp] (%_npids) & del /q %temp\tl.tmp) I get and
When I run this alias with build 34 on Win10 Code: tl is an alias : (tasklist |! u:\egrep -v -P "svchost|Total|^$" |! u:\sort -f -b --key=2,2 |! tee %temp\tl.tmp & echo ----& echo %@lines[%temp\tl.tmp] (%_npids) & del /q %temp\tl.tmp) I get and
Fross May 383 4 2019-01-25 #2 You beat me to it Vince. I just came to post that bug. Just a simple: dir | tee xx will give you those messages. Seems like a bit of debug code got left behind. TCC 24.00.34 x64 Windows 10 [Version 10.0.17763.253] TCC Build 34 Windows 10 Build 17763 Michael
You beat me to it Vince. I just came to post that bug. Just a simple: dir | tee xx will give you those messages. Seems like a bit of debug code got left behind. TCC 24.00.34 x64 Windows 10 [Version 10.0.17763.253] TCC Build 34 Windows 10 Build 17763 Michael