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SignUp Now!From: CWBillow
| Of these two, the first still gave me errors (10 second pause), but
| the second one worked fine.
| dd2=Md "%@date[%_date %_time]
| dd3=Md "%@replace[/,-,%_date] %@replace[:,.,%_time]"
From the format, I presume you do this in an alias definition file. Did you look at _isodate?
One more comment. The method of obtaining the date and time in separate calls to the OS has bit me in the past - if you happen to do it within a few milliseconds before midnight, the date and time returned could be from different days, resulting in a combination nearly 24 hours obsolete... Two methods available to fix this, one a lot more elaborate than would suit an alias: get date, get time, get date again - if dates mismatch, get time again. The other is to use the single call made obtaining _DATETIME, and editing its value into the format you want, along the lines (NOT TESTED!!!):
alias dd=`SET z=%_datetime %+ MD "%@instr[0,4,%z]-%@instr[4,2,%z]-%@instr[6,2,%z] %@instr[8,2,%z].%@instr[10,2,%z].%@instr[12,2,%z]"`
BTW, you can force _date and _time to return data in the format you want by setting the registry format for short date and time, either temporarily (for the execution of the MD command), or permanently.
HTH, Steve
Ooppps not surprised the first one gives an error ... the _time variable does not belong
there sorry! Chuck
Time is ignored! In dd2
: -----Original Message-----
: Subject: RE: [Support-t-3331] Re: Make a folder named Date-Time
: Of these two, the first still gave me errors (10 second pause), but the second one
worked fine.
: dd2=Md "%@date[%_date %_time]
: dd3=Md "%@replace[/,-,%_date] %@replace[:,.,%_time]"
: Thanks,
: Charles
I don't know if any of your issues are related to not having backquotes
around your alias definition.
For example, these two definitions will yield different results:
alias mdd1=`Md "%@replace[/,-,%_date] %@replace[:,.,%_time]"`
alias mdd2=Md "%@replace[/,-,%_date] %@replace[:,.,%_time]"
mdd1=Md "%@replace[/,-,%_date] %@replace[:,.,%_time]"
mdd2=Md "11-02-11 10.53.51"
Ooppps not surprised the first one gives an error ... the _time variable
does not belong
there sorry! Chuck
Time is ignored! In dd2
: -----Original Message-----
: Subject: RE: [Support-t-3331] Re: Make a folder named Date-Time
: Of these two, the first still gave me errors (10 second pause), but the
second one
worked fine.
: dd2=Md "%@date[%_date %_time]
: dd3=Md "%@replace[/,-,%_date] %@replace[:,.,%_time]"
: Thanks,
: Charles
Hello Steve,I only reference _date/_isodate, _hour, and _minute individually to obtain the current date and time if I can guarantee that midnight cannot occur between the first and last reference. Otherwise I always use a single access to the system clock, usually via _datetime, and if I need the individual elements I use @instr[] on the string returned:
set now=%_datetime
set foldername="%@instr[2,2,%now]-%@instr[2,2,%now]-%@instr[4,2,%now] %@instr[6,2,%now]-%@instr[8,2,%now]"
to generate a name in which the date (using 2-digit year) and time (using hyphen between hours and minutes, no seconds) are separated by a single space. For my own use, I typically use NO separators, which makes it much simpler; to avoid very large directories (e.g. the parent directory of all these folders) I typically break it into a hierarchy - for frequent items (e.g., pictures of events) I make year+month one level, and day+time a lower level. For less frequent items (e.g., monthly bills) year is the higher level.
HTH, Steve