- Jul
- 442
- 6
With the folding margin active, the 1st instance of `text >! nul` (line 8) has a - which folds the code from line 8 to line 35. There are also folds at line 17 and 25. The line 25 folds thru 35 also.
Question: Is this to be expected, WAD? I was expecting the fold to be from text to endtext like the IFF to ENDIFF one.
Question: Is this to be expected, WAD? I was expecting the fold to be from text to endtext like the IFF to ENDIFF one.
1 : rem Demotext.btm
2 : ::
3 : setlocal
4 : gosub data
5 : *set Sub2=%@instr[0,%@index[%Aline2, -],%Aline2]
6 : echo ^n^t Sub2 === %Sub2
7 : *set start=%@eval[%_batchline+1]
8 : text >! nul
9 : This is just text filler for demo purposes
10 : Nothing to get excited about
11 : Last line of 1st text block in :DATA.
12 : endtext
13 : *set end=%@eval[%_batchline-3]
14 : QUIT
15 : rem Much more code could be here. Such as:
16 : rem An IFF ELSE ENDIFF Block. Not being executed in this Demo file.
17 : IFF "%1"=="" then
18 : *set Dnames="%_cwd"
19 : ELSE
20 : *set Dnames=%$
22 : endlocal
23 : ::
24 : :DATA
25 : text |! *set Aline2=%@select[CON,0,25,300,900, Cmd to Execute? ,,2] > nul
26 : AP -- Add directory to existing path.
27 : BS -- Blank the screen - r to restore
28 : LIST -- Lists available %_batchname specific commands.
29 : endtext
30 : return
31 : ::
32 : ::::::
33 : :!!!!
34 : :***************************************
35 : :$