I have attached the BTM in question.
1 - The "echo Max Error: %@MAX[%?,%_?]" echos 0 so no error; However the LNK file is not being created. With error code of 0 - not able to tell why it was not created.
2 - I am not sure about the processing of scArgs. The output for example is:
======= Begin Paste
======= End Paste
Since I need to quote the folders (e.g. C:\Users\Galloway\Pictures ) and also quote the scArgs in the call to SHORTCUT - not sure if it works with ['] and ["] respectively.....
1 - The "echo Max Error: %@MAX[%?,%_?]" echos 0 so no error; However the LNK file is not being created. With error code of 0 - not able to tell why it was not created.
2 - I am not sure about the processing of scArgs. The output for example is:
======= Begin Paste
Library: Pictures
C:\Z_UserFiles\My Images
scCommand: C:\Program Files (x86)\DoubleKiller Pro\DoubleKiller.exe
scArgs: -nosavereg -clearfolders -addfolder 'C:\Users\Galloway\Pictures' -addfolder 'C:\Users\Public\Pictures' -addfolder 'C:\Z_PICS' -addfolder 'C:\Z_UserFiles\My Images' -run -showlog
scDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\DoubleKiller Pro\
scDescription: Run DKP against files in the Pictures per-USER library
scLinkName: C:\Users\Galloway\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Double.Killer.Pro\Pictures.lnk
scMode: 3
Max Error: 0
Press any key when ready...
Since I need to quote the folders (e.g. C:\Users\Galloway\Pictures ) and also quote the scArgs in the call to SHORTCUT - not sure if it works with ['] and ["] respectively.....