- May
- 13,450
- 193
Must it? It didn't in the past.
It seems rather silly to keep a shortcut to TCC15 on the desktop solely for the purpose of dragging it to the taskbar every time an update deletes my taskbar-pinned shortcut. I found a couple ways to make restoring it easier.
With a shortcut in g:\tc15\ ...
My SYSUTILS plugin's SHELLEX can do it:
(It took a while to track down the "taskbarpin" verb.)
And a PowerShell script like this will do it.
Considering that, it's odd that my SHELLEX plugin fails (with or without /C (ontext menu)) when I specify the verb "Pin to Tas&kbar". ShellExecuteEx() fails with an error whose text is "Unspecified error" (very informative). Any ideas on that failure (considering that PS seems to do roughly the same thing)?
It seems rather silly to keep a shortcut to TCC15 on the desktop solely for the purpose of dragging it to the taskbar every time an update deletes my taskbar-pinned shortcut. I found a couple ways to make restoring it easier.
With a shortcut in g:\tc15\ ...
My SYSUTILS plugin's SHELLEX can do it:
shellex /v taskbarpin g:\tc15\TCC15.lnk
And a PowerShell script like this will do it.
$shell = new-object -com "Shell.Application"
$folder = $shell.Namespace('g:\tc15')
$item = $folder.Parsename('TCC15.lnk')
$verb = $item.Verbs() | ? {$_.Name -eq 'Pin to Tas&kbar'}
if ($verb) {$verb.DoIt()}