... running Windows 10 Build 17763.
One my x64 desktop system it works as expected, but on my x86 laptop it shows the error below. I cannot pinpoint it to a specific x86 bug, it might have to do something with the locale as my laptop is set to more German ui than my desktop.
TCC 24.02.51
TCC 25.00.20
One my x64 desktop system it works as expected, but on my x86 laptop it shows the error below. I cannot pinpoint it to a specific x86 bug, it might have to do something with the locale as my laptop is set to more German ui than my desktop.
TCC 24.02.51
[C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD24]echo %@TIMER[1]
TCC 25.00.20
[C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD25]echo %@TIMER[1]
TCC: (Sys) The parameter is incorrect.