This section lists error messages generated by Take Command, and includes a recommended course of action for most errors. If you are unable to resolve the problem after reviewing these help files, contact JP Software for technical support.


Error messages relating to files are generally reports of errors returned by Windows. You may find some of these messages (for example, "Access denied") vague enough that they are not always helpful. Take Command includes the file name in file error messages, but is often unable to determine a more accurate explanation of these errors. The message shown is the best information available based on the error codes returned by Windows.


Not all errors potentially reported by Windows can be listed here. See Windows System Errors for examples of system errors returned in the _SYSERR internal variable.


The following list includes most common error messages, in alphabetical order:


Access denied:  You tried to write to or erase a read-only file, rename a file or directory to an existing name, create a directory that already exists, remove a read-only directory or a directory with files or subdirectories still in it, or access a file in use by another program in a multitasking system.


Alias loop:  An alias refers back to itself either directly or indirectly (i.e., a = b = a), or aliases are nested more than 16 levels deep. Correct your alias list.


Already debugging a batch file: You are attempting to invoke a nested instance of the Batch File Debugger (BDEBUGGER) while you are already in the debugger.


Already excluded files:  You used more than one exclude range in a command. Combine the exclusions into a single range.


Array variable is already defined: You tried to create an array variable that already exists.


Bad disk unit:  Generally caused by a disk drive hardware failure.


Batch file missing: TCC can't find the batch (.BTM or .CMD) file it was running. It was either deleted, renamed, moved, or the disk was changed. Correct the problem and rerun the file.


Can't COPY or MOVE file to itself:  You cannot COPY or MOVE a file to itself. TCC attempts to perform full path and filename expansion before copying to help ensure that files aren't inadvertently destroyed.


Can't create: TCC can't create the specified file. The disk may be full or write protected, or the file already exists and is read-only, or the root directory is full.


Can't delete: TCC can't delete the specified file or directory. The disk is probably write protected.


Can't end current process:  You attempted to terminate TCC with a TASKEND command. TASKEND can only be used to end other processes; to terminate TCC, use the EXIT command.


Can't get directory: TCC can't read the directory. The disk drive is probably not ready.


Can't make directory entry: TCC can't create the filename in the directory. This is usually caused by a full root directory. Create a subdirectory and move some of the files to it.


Can't open: TCC can't open the specified file. Either the file doesn't exist or the disk directory or File Allocation Table is damaged.


Can't query key type:  The key name supplied to @REGQUERY refers to a key with a type that @REGQUERY does not support. See @REGQUERY for a list of supported key types.


Can't remove current directory:  You attempted to remove the current directory, which Windows does not allow. Change to the parent directory and try again.


CD-ROM door open or CD-ROM not ready:  The CD-ROM drive door is open, the power is off, or the drive is disconnected. Correct the problem and try again.


CD-ROM not High Sierra or ISO-9660:  The CD-ROM is not recognized as a data CD (it may be a music CD). Put the correct CD in the drive and try again.


Clipboard is empty or not text format:  You tried to retrieve some text from the Windows clipboard, but there is no text available. Correct the contents of the clipboard and try again.


Clipboard is in use by another program: Take Command could not access the Windows clipboard because another program was using it. Wait until the clipboard is available, or complete any pending action in the other program, then try again.


Command line too long:  A single command or the entire command line exceeded the maximum allowable length (including during alias, variable, or function expansion). Reduce the complexity of the command or use a batch file. Also check for an alias which refers back to itself either directly or indirectly.


Command only valid in batch file:  You have tried to use a batch file command, like DO or GOSUB, from the command line or in an alias. A few commands can only be used in batch files (see the individual commands for details).


Contents lost before copy:  COPY was appending files, and found one of the source files is the same as the destination. That source file is skipped, and appending continues with the next file.


Data error:  Windows can't read or write properly to the device. On a floppy drive, this error is usually caused by a defective floppy disk, dirty disk drive heads, or a misalignment between the heads on your drive and the drive on which the disk was created. On a hard drive, this error may indicate a drive that is too hot or too cold, or a hardware problem. Retry the operation; if it fails again, correct the hardware or diskette problem.


Directory stack empty: POPD or DIRS can't find any entries in the directory stack.


Disk is write protected:  The disk cannot be written to. Check the disk and remove the write-protect tab or close the write- protect window if necessary.


Divide by zero:  The command or function you used tried to do a division by zero. If the data causing the problem is from your own input or batch file, change the input to avoid the divide by zero condition. If the data was generated internally by Take Command, contact JP Software for assistance.


Drive not ready; close door:  The removable disk drive door is open. Close the door and try again.


Duplicate redirection:  You tried to redirect standard input, standard output, or stand error more than once in the same command. Correct the command and try again.


Error in command line directive:  You used the //iniline option to place an .INI directive on the startup command line, but the directive is in error. Usually a more specific error message follows, and can be looked up in this list.


Error on line [nnnn] of [filename]:  There is an error in your .INI file. The following message explains the error in more detail. Correct the line in error and restart TCC for your change to take effect.


Error reading:  Windows experienced an I/O error when reading from a device. This is usually caused by a bad disk, a device not ready, or a hardware error.


Error writing:  Windows experienced an I/O error when writing to a device. This is usually caused by a full disk, a bad disk, a device not ready, or a hardware error.


Exceeded the maximum number of simultaneous monitors: You have attempted to create more than 100 monitoring functions.


File Allocation Table bad:  Windows  can't access the FAT on the specified disk. This can be caused by a bad disk, a hardware error, or an unusual software interaction.


File association not found:  The ASSOC command could not find a file association for the specified extension in the Windows registry.


File exists:  The requested output file already exists, and TCC won't overwrite it.


File not found: TCC couldn't find the specified file. Check the spelling and path name.


File type not found:  The FTYPE command could not find the specified file type in the Windows registry.


General failure:  This is usually a hardware problem, particularly a disk drive failure or a device not properly connected to a serial or parallel port. Try to correct the problem, or reboot and try again. See also: Data error above.


Include file not found:  You used the Include directive in the .INI file, but the file you specified was not found or could not be opened.


Include files nested too deep:  You used the Include directive in the .INI file, and attempted to nest include files more than three levels deep.


Infinite COPY or MOVE loop:  You tried to COPY or MOVE a directory to one of its own subdirectories and used the /S switch, so the command would run forever. Correct the command and try again.


Input and output files must have different names: (BATCOMP) You are attempting to compress a file to itself.


Input file is already compressed: (BATCOMP) You are attempting to compress a batch file that has already been compressed.


Insufficient disk space:  COPY or MOVE ran out of room on the destination drive. Remove some files and retry the operation.


Invalid array argument (out of bounds): You tried to reference an array element that exceeded the array size.


Invalid batch file:  The batch file is corrupted, or improperly compressed, or encrypted. Retry with a new copy of the file.


Invalid character value:  You gave an invalid value for a character directive in the .INI file.


Invalid choice value:  You gave an invalid value for a "choice" directive (one that accepts a choice from a list, like "Yes" or "No") in the INI file.


Invalid color:  You gave an invalid value for a color directive in the INI file.


Invalid count:  The character repeat count for KEYSTACK is incorrect.


Invalid date:  An invalid date was entered. Check the syntax and reenter.


Invalid directive name: Take Command can't recognize the name of a directive in the INI file.


Invalid drive:  A bad or non-existent disk drive was specified.


Invalid key name:  You tried to make an invalid key substitution in the INI file, or you used an invalid key name in a keystroke alias or command. Correct the error and retry the operation.


Invalid numeric value:  You gave an invalid value for a numeric directive in the INI file.


Invalid parameter: TCCdidn't recognize a parameter. Check the syntax and spelling of the command you entered.


Invalid path:  The specified path does not exist. Check the disk specification and/or spelling.


Invalid path or file name:  You used an invalid path or filename in a directive in the .INI file.


Invalid time:  An invalid time was entered. Check the syntax and reenter.


Keystroke substitution table full: TCC ran out of room to store keystroke substitutions entered in the .INI file. Reduce the number of key substitutions or contact JP Software or your dealer for assistance.


Label not found:  A GOTO or GOSUB referred to a non-existent label. Check your batch file.


Listbox is full:  There is no more room in the Find Files / Text dialog's results box. Use a more selective search, or use the FFIND command rather than the dialog.


Missing close paren:  A KEYSTACK command is missing a closing parentheses around a character group. Correct the command.


Missing ENDTEXT:  A TEXT command is missing a matching ENDTEXT. Check the batch file.


Missing GOSUB: TCC cannot perform the RETURN command in a batch file. You tried to do a RETURN without a GOSUB, or your batch file has been corrupted.


Missing SETLOCAL:  An ENDLOCAL was used without a matching SETLOCAL.


No aliases defined:  You tried to display aliases but no aliases have been defined.


Not an array variable: You tried to reference a non-existent array variable.


No closing quote: TCC couldn't find a second matching back quote [`] or double-quote ["] on the command line.


No expression:  The expression passed to the %@EVAL variable function is empty. Correct the expression and retry the operation.


No shared memory found:  The SHRALIAS command could not find any global alias list, history list, or directory history list to retain, because you executed the command from a session with local lists. Start TCC with at least one global list, then invoke SHRALIAS.


No SMTP server: SENDMAIL can't find an SMTP server. Check your INI file or mailer configuration (see SENDMAIL for additional details).


Not a directory:  The name passed to RD is not a directory.


Not an alias:  The specified alias is not in the alias list.


Not in environment:  The specified variable is not in the environment.


Not ready:  The specified device can't be accessed.


Not same device:  This error usually appears in RENAME. You cannot rename a file to a different disk drive.


Out of function space: You are attempting to create a User-defined Function that would require more resources than what your system makes available. Shorten the function definition or delete functions you no longer need


Out of memory: Take Command or Windows had insufficient memory to execute the last command. Try to free some memory by closing other sessions. If the error persists, contact JP Software for assistance.


Out of paper:  Windows detected an out-of-paper condition on one of the printers. Check your printer and add paper if necessary.


Overflow:  An arithmetic overflow occurred in the @EVAL variable function. Check the values being passed to @EVAL.


Read error:  Windows encountered a disk read error; usually caused by a bad or unformatted disk. See also: Data error above.


Sector not found:  Disk error, usually caused by a bad or unformatted disk. See also: Data error above.


Seek error:  Windows can't seek to the proper location on the disk. This is generally caused by a bad disk or drive. See also: Data error above.


Sharing violation:  You tried to access a file in use by another program in a multitasking system or on a network. Wait for the file to become available, or change your method of operation so that another program does not have the file open while you are trying to use it.


SHRALIAS already loaded:  You used the SHRALIAS command to load SHRALIAS.EXE, but it was already loaded. This message is informational and generally does not indicate an error condition.


SHRALIAS not loaded:  You used the SHRALIAS /U command to unload SHRALIAS.EXE, but it was never loaded. This message is informational and may not indicate an error condition.


String area overflow: TCC ran out of room to store the text from string directives in the .INI file. Reduce the complexity of the .INI file or contact JP Software for assistance.


String too long:  You tried to put more than 2038 characters into the KEYSTACK buffer. Reduce the number of characters you are trying to send to the application at one time.


Syntax error:  A command or variable function was entered in an improper format. Check the syntax and correct the error.


Too many open files:  Windows has run out of file handles.


Unbalanced parentheses:  The number of left and right parentheses did not match in an expression passed to the @EVAL variable function. Correct the expression and retry the operation.


UNKNOWN_CMD loop:  The UNKNOWN_CMD alias called itself more than ten times. The alias probably contains an unknown command itself, and is stuck in an infinite loop. Correct the alias.


Unknown command:  A command was entered that TCC didn't recognize and couldn't find in the current search path. Check the spelling or PATH specification. You can handle unknown commands with the UNKNOWN_CMD alias (see ALIAS).


Unknown option name: (OPTION) You are attempting to modify or display an invalid or unknown option name.


Unknown process: TASKEND cannot find the process you specified. If you are ending a process using the title you may need to use wildcards to get a match on the title string. Correct the command and try again.


Variable loop:  A nested environment variable refers to itself, or variables are nested more than 16 deep. Correct the error and retry the command.


Window title not found:  The ACTIVATE command could not find a window with the specified title. Correct the command or open the appropriate window and try again.


Write error:  Windows encountered a disk write error; usually caused by a bad or unformatted disk. See also: Data error above.